Film night to celebrate indigenous peoples’ cultures and identities in cities On 13 September, the United Nations will open the doors to an indigenous film night, paying tribute to the many indigenous peoples, living and sustaining their cultures in the world’s biggest cities far from their ancestral homes. Through Reaghan Tarbell’s documentary “To Brooklyn and Back: A Mohawk Journey” (2009), we will meet the courageous Mohawk women who sustained a vibrant community in Brooklyn, while Mohawk … [Read more...]
BEGUM Hazrat Mahal screening in Lucknow, India (July 26-29)
This is an event celebrating and commemorating the Queen of Awadh : Begum Hazrat Mahal, who was one of the primary leaders in India's first war of Independence known variously as the Great Mutiny or the Indian Uprising or the REVOLT OF 1857 (1857-58). Catherine Anne Clark, Founder & CEO at A Celebration of Women™ is happy to support this initiative of our Advisor to Asia. Celebration of Begum Hazrat Mahal ~a HEROINE of 1857-India's First War of Independence and her story deserves to be … [Read more...]
World Peace Summit 2015, Celebrate with us September 20
DATE: SEPT 20, 2015 VENUE: MISSISSAUGA LIVING ARTS CENTRE inside the RBC THEATRE ADDRESS: 4141 LIVING ARTS DRIVE, MISSISSAUGA L5B 4B8 TIME: 10 AM - 4 PM (4 PM - 6 PM MEET & GREET/NETWORKING IN LOBBY), with Registration Open at 9 AM SPONSOR OPPORTUNITIES HERE THANK YOU ALL PARTICIPANTS HERE EMAIL REQUEST TO REGISTER: WORLD PEACE DAY SUMMIT 2015 'Character & Culture ... are an Inside Job!' Join us for an unforgettable day of empowered … [Read more...]
2014 Calendar of Holocaust Remembrance Events
The 2014 observance of the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust is centred around the theme “Journeys through the Holocaust”. This theme recalls the various journeys taken during this dark period, from deportation to incarceration to freedom, and how this experience transformed the lives of those who endured it. These are stories of pain and suffering, yet ultimately also of triumph and renewal, serving as a guiding force for future generations. … [Read more...]
Jen Frankel – WOMAN of ACTION
A Celebration of Women is elated to Celebrate the Life of yet another woman with the spirit of a warrior. Challenged most of her life with depression, this powerhouse has Risen Above her trials, found her calling and is now here paying it forward, to help the Women of our World. WOMAN of ACTION Jen Frankel "When I was young, I wanted to be David Bowie. I know the “baby book” my mother kept goes from teacher to ballerina to actress, but as soon as I knew you could be an … [Read more...]
How Women in Movies Inspire A Leadership Mindset – 10 Movie Tips
How Women in Movies Inspire A Leadership Mindset – 10 Movie Tips If you've been reading my Movies that Motivate blog for past year you will know that I've been documenting the difficult times testing my positivity and resilience. I've survived financial crisis, bankruptcy, near homelessness and a blow to my self-esteem and self-worth. What helped me maintain my indestructible optimism were the supportive people around me AND incredible movies that motivated me to take charge of my life. Most … [Read more...]
68th Venice Film Festival – Buy Ticket Subscriptions
68th Venice Film Festival Sales are now open for Subscriptions to the 68th Venice International Film Festival, which will be held from August 31st to September 10th 2011. Festival Pass holders for the past edition are given the right for advance purchase which they may exercise between July 1st and 14th, allowing them to purchase their passes in advance and personally reserve the row and seat they desire, among those still available. The 68th … [Read more...]