Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) December Is Seasonal Depression Awareness Month Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression, winter blues, summer depression, summer blues, or seasonal depression, is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter or summer, spring or autumn year after year. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), SAD is not a … [Read more...]
Guys! Know When to Zip Your Lip!
"Does this dress make my butt look big?" Woah, Dude! Shut my mouth! Is this a trick question? How do you answer a question like that? You are about to enter a minefield. If you do answer, do so at your own risk. What if she actually has a big butt? Not a lot of wiggle room there. Women should know better than to ask the question that way (grow up and quit asking questions that require your man to lie). In a survey I read recently, women resoundingly responded that the perfect answer is "No, … [Read more...]
Traits of an Empath ~ Blessing or Curse
TRAITS OF AN EMPATH by Christel Broederlow 30 traits of an Empath 1. Knowing: Empaths just know stuff, without being told. It’s a knowing that goes way beyond intuition or gut feelings, even though that is how many would describe the knowing. The more attuned they are the stronger this gift becomes. 2. Being in public places can be overwhelming: Places like shopping malls, supermarkets or stadiums where there are lots of people around can fill the empath with turbulently vexed … [Read more...]
Angry is a Habit ~
We often cannot see that we have choice to be angry or not. No matter what happens we always have choice. The hurt we experience sometimes keeps us at a distance from responsible choices. We can move through the pain of a changing relationship much more rapidly when we remember that we are never without choice. It's okay to feel angry. It is also important to remember that no one can "make" you angry. That is only and always a choice. The psychological importance of working through … [Read more...]
Global Belly Laugh Day 24 – Jan 2014
Global Belly Laugh Day - There are thousands of spoken languages in the world, and along with that, lots of different traditions and ways of life. But what unites everyone? Laughter! Global Belly Laugh Day will celebrate one of our very favourite past-times. Even the title of the day brings a smile to my face! We all know how good it feels to laugh, but exactly why does it make us so healthy and happy? Having a good chuckle causes the tissue lining our blood vessels to expand … [Read more...]
The 4 Types Of Beauty (For Women Only)
It’s an amazing idea explained by makeover expert, Carol Tuttle. What if we told you that the shape of your nose reveals your personality? Or that the slant of your eyebrows is a dead giveaway to how you think? >>> Her Beauty Profiling system identifies 4 Types of beauty that Women express. Your Type shows up in your facial features, body language, thoughts, feelings, and personality. So, which Type are you? A bright, animated Type 1 woman A subtle, soft, Type … [Read more...]
Anger Issues?
Only one thing activates, then converts the negative energy of anger into positive energy... intention. The intention must be to do something different; something that works. When you discover that what you have been doing isn't working, the only logical thing to do is to do something different. We are talking about change. Yes, it is uncomfortable to change. You must decide which is the most uncomfortable. The same energy you expend on anger, when re-directed, can help free you of the … [Read more...]
‘Women through a Full Moon’, next on July 22
THE CONCEPT – WOMEN AND THE FULL MOON DIARY The Concept of ‘The Full Moon Diary’ for women is revolutionary in offering a tangible marker to follow and reclaim a natural process that has been known for thousands of years. And don’t worry, this does not require any moon dance rituals to be performed (unless this is a favorite past time of yours). The Full Moon Diary is simply a way for women to take a moment’s pause in their month, to self-nurture and reflect on the month that … [Read more...]
“Live your sun, satisfy your moon,” Moods, Feelings, Romance
Continuing on the topic of "Live your sun, satisfy your moon," I thought I'd write about ways people fail to satisfy their moon. The Moon represents your emotional needs. Some reject their moon by denying they have emotion or needs! This is freakishly common. People not only deny their feelings. Some women go as far as to deny their own sex (female = moon). These women say they are more like a man than a woman. This is quite a feat considering the estrogen in their bodies. Here's an odd … [Read more...]
VERONICA, Exactly What Your Soul Needs
Exactly What Your Soul Needs "As one moves through physical reality, the question of "why" presents itself often. As one creates their own reality with clarity, it's important to check yourself often to confirm you are making choices that are clear. Yes, cloudiness can creep in, disturbing the beauty that you wish to create. If you are asking yourself "why?", then it is important to take a frank look at yourself with honesty to pave a better path. Not all … [Read more...]
Saving Humanity – Save Yourself First, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
We are 'time travelers' on many different levels. Central idea Aivanhov’s philosophy teaches that everybody, regardless of race, religion, social position, intellectual ability or material means, is able to take part in the realization of a new period of brotherhood and peace on earth. This happens through the individual's personal transformation: growth in perfection and in harmony with the divine world. Whatever the topic, he invariably focuses on how one can better conduct life … [Read more...]