“25 Blogs Touting the Health Benefits of Papaya”

Papayas are large, oval fruits with a yellowish-green skin and green or orange flesh inside, depending on their ripeness. The entire fruit is edible, though people typically eat the orange flesh only. These fruits are available year-round, however they’re more popular in the summer than in other months. There are many health benefits you can gain from eating papayas, so much so that the fruit is even considered a super food. To learn about the health benefits of papayas, take a look at these … [Read more...]

Childcare, five books that help kids appreciate a healthy diet

It’s one thing to make sure your kids maintain a healthy diet; it’s quite another to get them to appreciate exactly why they need to be eating what you put in front of them. That’s where these next five books come in. In these texts, parents will find answers they may not have even been aware of themselves, which describe the importance of a healthy diet. What kids ought to eat, and why, explained in easy-to-understand and creative style, are what these books are all about. So read on … [Read more...]

Nannies Need to Know About Peanut Allergies

Between 1997 and 2008 the number of children diagnosed with a peanut allergy more than tripled. This alarming trend, aside from creating a need for parents to be extra-vigilant about the foods their children are exposed to, has also made it necessary for nannies to educate themselves as thoroughly as possible on the subject. As the number of afflicted children continues to rise, the likelihood of a nanny encountering at least one allergic child over the course of her career also grows stronger. … [Read more...]

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