Lorre White, ‘Your Voice Could Be Costing You Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars’

James Earl Jones: CEOs earn more if their voices sound like his. If James Earl Jones were the boss, he would likely make hundreds of thousands a year more than a CEO who sounded like Mike Tyson. Those are the findings of new research by Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. The study, published online April 8 in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior, shows that male CEOs with deeper voices tend to manage larger companies, make more money and stay in their jobs for … [Read more...]

Getting a Green Education : Sustainability Majors

  Getting a Green Education : Sustainability Majors       According to USA Today, over 100 majors, minors, and focuses in sustainability-centric programs were added to the collegiate roster in 2009. And with increasing interest in climate control, eliminating paper trails, and reducing our carbon footprints, the number has only grown since then.         Going green is a hot topic, with many major companies making efforts to incorporate … [Read more...]

Nannies Need to Know About Peanut Allergies

Between 1997 and 2008 the number of children diagnosed with a peanut allergy more than tripled. This alarming trend, aside from creating a need for parents to be extra-vigilant about the foods their children are exposed to, has also made it necessary for nannies to educate themselves as thoroughly as possible on the subject. As the number of afflicted children continues to rise, the likelihood of a nanny encountering at least one allergic child over the course of her career also grows stronger. … [Read more...]

NORD e-News: July 2011 Edition

NORD e-News: July 2011 Edition Send a Message to Congress on NORD Website Federal budget cuts have been proposed to Medicare reimbursement for drugs and biologics as part of a compromise to raise the debt ceiling. One proposal under consideration is to move orphan products from Medicare Part B coverage to Part D. This could greatly increase the cost for some patients and families dependent on lifesaving orphan drugs and biologics. You can quickly and easily submit a message to President … [Read more...]

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