9 Free (or Nearly Free) Activities Nannies Can Do With Their Kids

For a nanny, entertaining kids can take a lot of time, energy and ingenuity. How often have you heard the complaint “I’m bored” come from someone who’s surrounded by things to do? The good news, though, is that you’re never far from free, reliable entertainment, especially if you do a little homework first. If you’ve been stuck searching for affordable activity ideas, these might come in handy: Go to the Park A classic, and with good reason. Going to the park is a chance to get … [Read more...]

What Really Matters? – Leave a comment…and change a life‏!

Blogust is a month-long digital dialogue bringing 31 of the most influential online writers together to help change the world through their words. The 31 Blogust bloggers will participate in a blog relay, with one blogger posting each day for the month of August 2013. Every comment they receive to their posts throughout the month will trigger a donation by Walgreens to provide a vaccine for a child in need around the world. Every 20 seconds, a child dies of a disease that could have … [Read more...]

Encourage Your Nanny to Host/Attend Play Dates

Play dates can be a hot-button issue for parents and their nannies, with both parties often falling on opposite sides of the fence. As a nanny employer, you may want to think twice before you forbid play dates outright or choose not to encourage your nanny to host or attend them with your child. There are a host of benefits that can come with participation in a play group, both for your child and his nanny. These are ten of the reasons why it may be smarter for you to provide your nanny … [Read more...]


For many families, summer is the optimal time to potty train. For one thing, the family tends to be home more. The older siblings are not in school and most activities have come to an end, so there is a lot less rushing in and out of the car. Usually, when toddlers are forced to be on the go, it is much easier for parents to put them in a pair of disposable training pants in order to avoid an accident in the vehicle and to ensure that the child will not be wet and uncomfortable when away … [Read more...]

Mom, here are 18 Blogs on Being a Helicopter Parent!

How do you know where the line is between being an involved, caring parent and a helicopter parent? A helicopter parent (also called a cosseting parent or simply a cosseter) is a parent who pays extremely close attention to a child's or children's experiences and problems, particularly at educational institutions. The term helicopter parent was originally coined by Foster Cline and Jim Fay. Helicopter parents are so named because, like helicopters, they hover overhead. The term … [Read more...]

Celebrate Parents Day – July 28

What Is Parents' Day? n the United States, Parents' Day is held on the fourth Sunday of every July. This was established in 1994 when President Bill Clinton signed a Congressional Resolution into law (36 U.S.C. § 135) for "recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children." The bill was introduced by Republican Senator Trent Lott. It was supported by members of the Unification Church which also celebrates a holiday called Parents' Day, although on a … [Read more...]

SIOBHAN WILCOX – Quote Action of the Day

  Your "QuoteAction" of the day: "The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings." American Social Writer, Eric Hoffer   Your Action for today is: 'to spend 5-10 minutes counting and writing down your blessings.'   Have an extraordinary day!     Wishing you Love, Light and Peace in your day. Siobhan Wilcox   Be the change that you what to see!   Siobhan Wilcox 3435 … [Read more...]

Nazanin Afshin-Jam – WOMAN of ACTION™

  A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this artists, model, mother, wife and woman leader that has devoted her energy to the betterment of lives for all women and children. Inspired and sparked into the life of activism against death penalty for children around the world and philanthropy by being the “voice for the voiceless” and deliver her messages of freedom, peace and love worldwide.         WOMAN of … [Read more...]

How to Host a Rainbow Themed Kids Birthday

Whether you’re working around a Noah’s Ark theme or a Somewhere Over the Rainbow Wizard of Oz concept, a rainbow-themed birthday party is a great choice for little ones. After all, what child doesn’t love bright colors and a cheerful theme? Rainbow themes are also a great way to steer your child’s party away from the overdone and highly commercialized character themes used by so many parents. When it comes to planning, a rainbow theme also offers an exciting opportunity for creative and … [Read more...]

How to Create a Neighborhood Camp for Kids

Are you tired of hearing the age-old phrase, “I’m bored!” once summer vacation hits? Consider working together with your neighbors to create a camp for the kids on the block! A summer camp can accommodate children of many ages without a lot of extra planning involved. It’s also a great way to get to know your neighbors if you haven’t already. By working together, you can create a camp that your children will love and that will make the summer a bit easier on you. Choose someone to … [Read more...]

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