Teaching Manners to Your Kids, 15 Blogs to Help!

A few decades ago, children were expected to be seen and not heard. They were taught to be polite and always exhibit good manners. As the years have passed, however, it seems these values have become less important. Are these ideas old fashioned now?  Not according to these 15 blogs. Using proper manners is a sign of respect, and a way for children to show that they care about other people’s feelings. Kids aren’t born knowing good manners, though. They have to be taught them, usually from a … [Read more...]

October is International Walk to School Month!

October is International Walk to School Month and over 40 countries will be encouraging children to ditch the school run! It’s also an opportunity for parents and schools to join in with others to call on their local councils to introduce 20 mph speed limits across their areas; helping to create safe, enjoyable and attractive streets where children and their parents want to walk to school. Also taking place during the month is International Walk to School Day on 9 October 2013 and … [Read more...]

Syria: A brighter tomorrow‏ -Take Action!

Syrian children may feel little hope today, but this week we have a powerful chance to help save their future. A staggering 6 million Syrians have fled the fighting, many of them children. In many wars, they become a 'lost generation' that knows guns more than books, and never get a chance to build a better life. But this time, there's an exciting plan to change that. Inspiring 16-year old campaigner Malala Yousafzai and UN Education Envoy Gordon Brown are teaming up with our community to … [Read more...]

Your $10 at Work…and Why it’s Important

Tonight, more than 68,000 people in Western Tanzania are sleeping safely under bed nets for the first time in many years, protected from malaria. The story of how we distributed 38,000 nets to the people of Nyarugusu refugee camp, a place that had over 62,000 documented cases of malaria last year, begins with you. When you donate $10, $20, or $100 to Nothing But Nets, your money purchases and sends life-saving bed nets to the places in the world that are the hardest hit from malaria and to … [Read more...]

Back to School Traditions – 20 Blogs to help You!

Going back to school is a time that’s bittersweet, both for parents and kids alike. While you may be excited to get back into a routine, it can be difficult for kids to adjust having a set schedule again and for parents to not having the kids at home all day. Instituting a back-to-school tradition can help get everyone excited about the changes a new school year brings. Whether it’s a picture snapped right before school or a special breakfast served up before the kids head out for the day, there … [Read more...]

Children are Children – STOP this madness, Syria – Take Action!

First Syrian Refugees Land in Germany 'Is Hanover Near the Sea?' Some are injured, some are traumatized, but all have been forced to flee. A million Syrians have left their country because of the civil war. Germany has agreed to offer temporary asylum to 5,000, and the first refugees took off for Hanover on Wednesday. Departing from Beirut: Some 107 refugees from Syria flew from Lebanon to Germany on Wednesday. Sisters Noura and Nada lost most of their family in a rocket attack. Their … [Read more...]


PETER BIRO/INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE Syria: It's a problem, a political conundrum—and a disaster for women and children, who make up the bulk of the 2 million people who have fled the country. Even when they arrive in camps in neighboring countries, female refugees find little security; instead they're often subjected to rape and sexual harassment. Shelter, water, medical care—all are in short supply in the camps. Fortunately, many international nonprofits are helping bridge that gap. … [Read more...]

Toddler to Take a Nap

7 Tips for Getting Your Toddler to Take a Nap Half the battle of early parenthood is just getting your child to go to sleep. And it’s not just the overnight rest that’s a challenge: the magical nap time can be just as tricky. Toddlers usually switch from two naps a day to one around 18 months, but just because they’re taking fewer naps doesn’t mean those naps aren’t helping. Dr. Jodi Mindell says that toddlers are going through “a marathon of development,” and that quality rest is “the only … [Read more...]

Role of Mom

Fulfilling the role of mom is arguably one of the most difficult jobs out there, but it is also one that is equally as rewarding as it is demanding. With each new day comes dozens of problems to fix, hurts to help heal, opportunities to teach and needs to meet. During all of this hustle and bustle, it can be a challenge for a mom to find time to meet her own needs for relaxation and rest. There are a few simple things you can do to help meet those needs. From an early age help your children … [Read more...]

Andrea Nugent – WOMAN of ACTION™

  A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this powerhouse of soul. A Woman that was not only struck by breast cancer, she began her journey diagnosed with epilespy and instead of falling into a life of self pity, this gal Took Action, turned her life around and used this challenge as an opportunity to 'pay-it-forward'. She is today the founder of an organization designed to help young women find their own inner power and take full control of their own lives, and is … [Read more...]

Choose the Right Cell Phone for Your Child

BACK TO SCHOOL - Choosing the Right Cell Phone for Your Child, a Challenge! While the idea of having a cell phone in elementary school was about as far-fetched as landing on the moon for today’s parents, there’s no denying the fact that technology has evolved at a rapid enough pace to make that situation a very feasible one for kids just a generation later. Determining when your child is ready for the responsibility of a cell phone is so largely dependent upon the maturity level of your … [Read more...]

Ginger Katz Taking Action, The Courage to Speak® Foundation

WOMAN of ACTION™ – Ginger Katz A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this woman who truly understands the Power of Love ! Through the death of her own child, she reached for spiritual guidance and was lead onto a path, that today she calls her very own Purpose in Life. Through the drug overdose of her son, this Woman has now devoted her life to helping parents across North America to end the shame and stigma; and Speak Out! SECRETS Keep You SICK! Please join us in … [Read more...]

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