Toddler to Take a Nap

7 Tips for Getting Your Toddler to Take a Nap Half the battle of early parenthood is just getting your child to go to sleep. And it’s not just the overnight rest that’s a challenge: the magical nap time can be just as tricky. Toddlers usually switch from two naps a day to one around 18 months, but just because they’re taking fewer naps doesn’t mean those naps aren’t helping. Dr. Jodi Mindell says that toddlers are going through “a marathon of development,” and that quality rest is “the only … [Read more...]

BEDTIME … parenting means Taking Action!

BEDTIME :( ... parenting means Taking Action! Being a parent means helping a child learn and grow, teaching him to make good decisions and instilling healthy lifestyle habits so that one day he will become an independent, self-sufficient adult. This requires affection, discipline, consistency and dedication on the part of the parent. In order for children to be healthy and reach their full potential, they need adequate sleep. Still, getting kids to hit the hay without a struggle can be one of … [Read more...]

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