Celebrated annually on March 17, St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday known for parades, shamrocks and all things Irish. From leprechauns to the color green, find out how symbols we now associate with St. Patrick’s Day came to be. The Shamrock The shamrock, which was also called the “seamroy” by the Celts, was a sacred plant in ancient Ireland because it symbolized the rebirth of spring. By the seventeenth century, the shamrock had become a symbol of emerging Irish nationalism. As the English … [Read more...]
Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day
Celebrating the Good Things in Later Life
No-one wants to get older, but unfortunately, there’s no way of preventing the march of time – at least not yet; you never know what science will come up with in the future! But for now, aging is inevitable. Rather than feeling depressed at leaving your youth behind, it makes sense to look at the second half of your life as a new beginning, an opportunity to achieve great things and enjoy yourself, and celebrate the many ways in which life is so much better now for older women. Getting older is … [Read more...]
Celebrating Canonization of Mother Teresa: Sept 4, 1016
Before She Became Teresa Her middle name, Gonxha, means “little flower” in Albanian. Even before blossoming into her life as a religious sister, young Agnes Bojaxhiu showed signs of passionate devotion to Christ. Early on, she began celebrating her birthday on the day of her baptism, August 27. Who could have predicted that this “little flower” would go on to serve the poorest of the poor thousands of miles away? Set to Get Notified Here Pope Francis held a Consistory of … [Read more...]
Celebrating the History of Valentine’s Day!
THE LEGEND OF ST. VALENTINE The history of Valentine’s Day–and the story of its patron saint–is shrouded in mystery. We do know that February has long been celebrated as a month of romance, and that St. Valentine’s Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. But who was Saint Valentine, and how did he become associated with this ancient rite? Did You Know? Approximately 150 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged annually, making … [Read more...]
Celebrating, a Woman ‘to be’ in the White House
Hillary Clinton - WOMAN of ACTION™ run for President; that is the question. JANE PAULEY: If not you, who? Who is the viable woman of either party who could win a primary nomination in 2016, if not you? HILLARY CLINTON: Well, I think there are a number of qualified women who are holding office. "The last few days have offered vivid illustrations of why Hillary Clinton could decide not to run for president — and why, in the end, I believe she will. Example No. 1 is the … [Read more...]
Celebrating Lynn Manwar on ET Canada – Oct 8
Lynn Manwar – WOMAN of ACTION™ I am Canadian and a graduate of York University in Toronto, Canada. I am an entrepreneur, sales professional and writer. Born in multicultural Toronto, Canada, with a Trinidadian mother of Indian descent and a Canadian father of German/English descent, Lynn Manwar is the perfect example of a new age woman of substance! Cross-cultural woman, Lynn Manwar is known as the “Networking Queen”. Her interest in the environment led her to complete a … [Read more...]
Celebrating Dwarfism Awareness Month!
LITTLE PEOPLE OF AMERICA ANNOUCES DWARFISM AWARENESS MONTH WITH PSA IN TIMES SQUARE ON CBS SUPER SCREEN Dwarfism Support Organizations and Assemblywoman Calhoun come together for powerful message What is LPA? This powerpoint explains the history of LPA and why we exist. It's great background for anyone who is writing an article on LPA or looking for a quick summary of who we are and what we do. In an effort to be proactive in encouraging public awareness of … [Read more...]
Celebrating International day of Democracy – Sept 15
In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted the Resolution 62/7 declaring 15th September as International Day of Democracy. The resolution’s preamble defines democracy as ”a universal value based on the freely-expressed will of people to determine their own political, economic, social and cultural systems, and their full participation in all aspects of life.” The resolution further recognizes that “while democracies share common features, there is no single model of … [Read more...]
Celebrating Women’s Equality Day – Whitehouse – Aug 26
August 26th, we celebrate Women’s Equality Day. We commemorate the 93rd anniversary of the certification of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote. It’s hard to believe that less than 100 years ago, women did not have the right to vote. Advocates such as Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Ida B. Wells devoted decades of hard work to ensure that women’s voices could be heard. As a result, historic change occurred, forever transforming our nation as we took … [Read more...]
Celebrating Women’s Day ( South Africa) – AUG 9
Women's Day (Public Holiday - South Africa) "If you strike a woman, you strike a rock" Every year on 9 August we celebrate Women’s Day in South Africa, a public holiday that pays homage to the women of our nation; - the mothers, the wives, the sisters and the daughters who fought tirelessly against the tyranny of the Apartheid government. Inaugurated in 1994, along with a free, democratic South Africa, the public holiday commemorates a 1956 protest lead by Lilian Ngoyi, Helen … [Read more...]
Celebrating World Refugee Day (June 20)
The world sheds a tear for its displaced millions, but everybody needs to help much more efficiently, in order to move people to more secure, more healthy and less threatening positions, whether within their own country or in your country! World Refugee Day image; Credit: © Shutterstock World Refugee Day (June 20) focuses attention on the millions of refugees around the globe who need humanitarian assistance as they wait and hope to return home. WFP food assistance – be it food vouchers or … [Read more...]
Celebrating comedienne Joan River’s 80th Birthday!
IMAGE - YOUR QVC FAMILY Joan Alexandra Molinsky (born June 8, 1933), better known by her stage name Joan Rivers, is an American television personality, comedian, writer, film director, and actress. She is known for her ribald, depreciative style. Rivers' comic style relies heavily on her ability to poke fun at herself and other Hollywood celebrities. Joan Rivers was born Joan Alexandra Molinsky in Brooklyn, New York, the daughter of Russian Jewish immigrants Beatrice (née Grushman; January … [Read more...]
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of African Union!
In advance of the 21st Summit of African Union, to be held in Addis Ababa on 19-27 May 2013, the UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova, presents her congratulations to all African women and men on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the African Union.© African Union -African Union 50th anniversary logo “The African Union is a force for solidarity and for peace across the continent,” said Irina Bokova. “For fifty years, it has promoted a more integrated and prosperous Africa -- this … [Read more...]
Celebrating International Day to End Obstetric Fistula
May 23 marks the first-ever International Day to End Obstetric Fistula. And this year is also the 10th anniversary of the Campaign to End Fistula, a collaborative initiative launched by UNFPA and partners to prevent fistula and restore the health and dignity of the millions of women and girls affected by this devastating but preventable condition. In December 2012, 167 countries from around the world co-sponsored a biannual resolution at the United Nations General Assembly that called on all … [Read more...]
Celebrating decent work a reality for domestic workers in Africa!
The ILO is organising a Knowledge Sharing Forum in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from 28-30 May 2013 to share good practices, practical initiatives and new policies to promote decent work for domestic workers in Africa. In 2010, an estimated 5.24 million domestic workers were in Africa, accounting for 1.4 per cent of the total employed workforce and 4.9 per cent of paid employment. Around 70 per cent of domestic workers across Africa are women. Some 40 delegates from Tripartite delegations of … [Read more...]