I know that to the degree I am willing to give up my search for a healthy love relationship, I can have it. I know I can have whatever I am ready and willing to receive. Individual receptivity is everything. Without it, nothing changes. With it, all things are possible. I no longer insist upon my choice. I am willing to trust. I know that the only thing I lose when I let go of something I am afraid to live without is the fear itself. I am stronger than anything that frightens me! I let … [Read more...]
For Lonely Singles Only
If you do not cherish the companionship you find with yourself, then you can never find it with someone else. It is important to be your own best friend. Doing so gives you knowledge of yourself. You must have a clear understanding of what true friendship is before you can earn the right to share it with someone else. Once that status is achieved, the warmth of the friendship you have for yourself will radiate and attract another who has shared a similar experience; someone who will … [Read more...]
Mother’s Day, A Strawberry Malt and 3 Squeezes, Please!
NOTE: This story was written to honor Larry's mother's memory and was featured in the New York Times best-selling book, "A Second Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul." The story appears on page sixteen of the book. My mother used to love strawberry malts. It was a thrill for me to drop in to see her and surprise her with her favorite refreshment. In her later years, both my mom and dad lived in a life-care retirement center. Partially due to the stress of my mom's Alzheimer's condition, … [Read more...]
My Partner Cheat? Never! ~ 29 Red Flags That May Suggest a Cheater
Here are a few things that often point a finger to a cheater. While it is true that some of the following red flags may be sure-fire indicators, I've used the words "may suggest a cheater" because it may be wise to give your partner the benefit of the doubt when suspicions arise. To accuse without evidence could cause the flame of your relationship - however much there is - to go out. If your partner is not cheating, then confrontation will most likely cause a major trust issue. It may be … [Read more...]
NEVER Speak the “D” Word…
Too many people are too quick to get a divorce. Something happens. You become angry and in the heat of battle, you threaten divorce. You should never make life-changing decisions in the midst of emotional turmoil. Marriage is the most sacred of trusts between two people. When you married, you made some promises. Just because you are disappointed at the anger, bitterness, ambivalence, or venom you are receiving from your partner, remind yourself that divorce is difficult for both people, no … [Read more...]
CelebrateLove, Re-imagine, Re-design and Re-launch Your Relationship!
Re-imagine, Re-design and Re-launch Your Relationship! After years of being together sometimes you drift away from the feelings you once had when you were first together. Usually one partner notices it before the other. By the time the other partner realizes what's happening, the partner who noticed is ready to leave the relationship and there is shock and they are left wondering what happened. Often it is too late. In my years of relationship coaching I have found that if one partner … [Read more...]
What you take for granted, disappears!
The Consequences of Neglect Taking your forever lover for granted drives a wedge between the two of you. Then comes the drifting apart you once feared. You become lonely, anxious and withdrawn. What you take for granted, disappears! You and your lover may still be together physically, however, most likely neither one of you are really there for each other. To avoid the consequences of neglect, you will find that the only solution is the open talk you can allow yourself to … [Read more...]
I Know Something About You…
You are not finished. You're here and you are not finished. It's not over. You are not done yet. You are alive in this moment. You still have things to do and much more to accomplish. You still have more to say; more people to love. Stay connected to what's most important to you. "The nervous energy spent pretending to be something you’re not is better spent on practically anything else." ~ Jessica Hagy You've got more energy than you know. You may have to dig deep to find it and … [Read more...]
The Myth of Divorce: ReDating is a Better Option
People who divorce often think they’ll be happier. Statistics say otherwise. A 2002 study by the Institute for American Values showed that 66% of unhappily married adults who didn’t divorce were happily married five years later even when the marriage had serious problems. Only 20% had divorced and happily remarried in the same time period. You’re more likely to end up happily married to the spouse you have than if you trade your spouse for a newer model. Why? Here’s why: Divorce … [Read more...]
Robin Williams as the American Flag, 4th of July Celebrations!
Robin Williams as the American Flag is an entertaining and educational tribute to the Stars and Stripes. This performance was from “I Love Liberty,” a two-hour television special created by Norman Lear and presented by People For the American Way in 1982. HOW MANY STARS & STRIPES ARE THERE IN THE AMERICAN FLAG? A: There are 50 stars and 13 stripes! The fifty stars on the flag represent the fifty current U.S. states. The thirteen (7 red, 6 white) stripes represent the … [Read more...]