Khama is Taking Action for 2013 (FR*EE Coach/6 months) !!!

I know it will be the year of Explosive Breakthroughs, Divine Miracles & Supernatural Increase for YOU in every area of your life! Can you feel the energy of 2013? It's EXCITING! I'm seeking 25 people to coach for FREE for SIX MONTHS, to teach how to make $10,000/month - doing what you love. The program is 1:1 private coaching & mentoring, with tons of support and accountability for 6 full months! Visit fast for 1 @ 25 spots of 6 months 1:1 FREE … [Read more...]

The Numerologist celebrates True Wealth Power in 2013

True Wealth Power in 2013 Yesterday, the Numerologist community discovered a liberating truth about their wealth in 2013: >>> They realized they don't have to dread getting bills in the mail. They don't need to endure sleepless nights worrying about the economy, the government, the banks or their mortgages. And with a few tiny tweaks to their lives, they can start attracting wealth like cats to sardines not in 10 years, not in 10 months, but right NOW. (Hint: it's all about … [Read more...]

Women and technology – the attitude gap

Careers in science and technology are increasing, but the International Labour Organization (ILO) says women and girls are in danger of being shut out of these opportunities. The ILO finds women tend to be over-represented in areas such as the humanities and the social sciences, and the agency has launched a new manual to address progress in achieving gender equality. Beng Poblete-Enriquez spoke to Jane Hodges, Director of the Bureau for Gender Equality at the ILO in Geneva, … [Read more...]

What is a Community of Purpose?, Irene Becker

  What Is A Community of Purpose?     Why Do YOU Need One?   Purpose is the only sustainable way to create value. Purpose also makes and sustains profit because it is the only true driver of our greatest potential.    What is a Community of Purpose?   Whether you want to build a happy life, a successful enterprise, small business or professional practice; YOU need a community of purpose. Your community of purpose can be a small group or team, … [Read more...]

The Fiscal Cliff Has Been Avoided, But at What Cost?

The Fiscal Cliff Has Been Avoided, But at What Cost? Some thoughts on the new fiscal agreement: The economy needs a stimulus, but under the agreement, taxes will go up in 2013 relative to 2012 -- not only on high-income households, as widely discussed, but also on every working man and woman in the country, via the end of the payroll tax cut. For most households, the payroll tax takes a far bigger bite than the income tax does, and the payroll tax cut therefore -- as CBO and others have … [Read more...]

Confucius said, “Find a job you enjoy, and you’ll never work a day in your life.”

    Confucius said, "Find a job you enjoy, and you'll never work a day in your life."     What is Your Dream Job? What type of job do you dream about? Some of us know from the time we are very young what we want to do when we grow up. Others are still trying to figure that out. Still others have tried a career or two, then went on to do something completely different with their lives. The days of working for the same company for a lifetime are long … [Read more...]

Caregiving Workers burn out, too – Take Action

The Importance of Self-Care for Caregivers and Nannies Working as a caregiver or nanny demands that you spend much of your time caring for other people, and even helping to manage other families’ households. Making sure that your charges and employers are cared for to the best of your ability and that all of your job responsibilities are attended to may not always leave much time to worry about your own needs, but there are a few reasons why it’s very important that you find a way to make … [Read more...]

Parenting: Keeping Your Children ‘Germ Free not Germ Phobic’

It’s no secret that germs are the culprit behind illnesses big and small, but avoiding them can seem like a full-time job for parents. While it’s certainly important to maintain a level of cleanliness and good hygiene to prevent sicknesses that seem to spread like wildfire through groups of children, finding the balance between keeping things clean and striving to maintain hospital levels of sterilization in your home is important for the health of your children and the good of your own … [Read more...]

2013, will Triskaidekaphobia affect your Success?

(MoneyWatch) Next year is going to be a long one if you suffer from triskaidekaphobia, fear of the number 13. To lessen the anxiety, consider these 13 money tips for 2013. 1. Track your expenses. Almost every financial plan starts with this most dreaded task. Unfortunately, without understanding where your money goes, it's nearly impossible to make different choices about how to spend. The good news is that there are plenty of software programs to help you out, or you can use a plain old … [Read more...]

EBC Meeting – January 13, 2013 in Detroit, MI

Teresa de Grosbois is an international speaker sought by entrepreneurs and large corporations wanting to better understand how local gossip can suddenly turn into epidemic word of mouth. Specializing in the topics of influence and success, Teresa has a proven track-record in understanding word of mouth epidmenics having taken three books to best-seller status in only 8 months. Teresa teaches business and marketing courses around the globe, including teaching courses to start-up … [Read more...]

Irene goes the distance for her clients, virtually!

Leading Forward in the Face of Crisis  Leading in the face of crisis means building your 3Q Leadership™ Edge ►HOW? Shift your mindset Seeing your strengths and challenges, stressors and turning points, even your most difficult transitions or crises with new eyes that help YOU build your most important advantage, your 3Q Edge™. Yes, learning and unlearning faster and better than before. Making a pivotal shift in mindset that will help you learn and unlearn faster, develop improved whole … [Read more...]

Employment Trends for Women 2012, Strategies for Change

Global Employment Trends for Women 2012 Reversal of gains in women's employment Women are still more likely to be unemployed than men around the world. That's one of the conclusions of the ILO's Global Employment Trends for Women 2012. And the report also found that, while the numbers vary from region to region, the steady progress being made by women in the workplace slowed, stopped or reversed as a result of the global economic crisis.     Strategies for Change - One … [Read more...]

Holidays and Flu Season

No boss wants to appear like Scrooge around the holidays, but when employees are sick, vacations are taken and holiday time off is given, it’s tough to keep a medium or small business humming along when staff is short. If that’s you and you are concerned about staff coverage throughout the next few months, there are some things you can do to lessen the impact of holidays, vacations and flu season on your business work flow. Sick Employees When employees get sick, and you know they will, … [Read more...]

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