Throughout the administration, we operate on the fundamental belief that every American deserves equal opportunity, equal protection, and equal rights under the law. That’s why the Affordable Care Act is so important for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans. The health care law prevents health insurance companies from charging anyone a higher premium just because they happen to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. It also prevents insurers from raising rates or … [Read more...]
Blue Moon – August 20, 2013
When the moon rises Tuesday night (Aug. 20), it brings us the August full moon and in addition, it will also technically be a "Blue Moon." "But wait a minute," you may ask. "Isn't a Blue Moon defined as the second full moon that occurs during a calendar month? Tuesday’s full moon will be the only full moon of August 2013. So how can we call it a 'Blue' moon?" [Blue Moon Secrets Explained (Infographic)] Yet it still is a Blue Moon, but only if we follow a now somewhat obscure rule of … [Read more...]
Unity in Diversity is the essence of Incredible India!
Nature, Culture and tradition - Unity in Diversity is the essence of India! Diversity is the very essence of India. Diversity of people and beliefs, region and religion, custom and tradition, flora and fauna, trades and occupations. Nowhere in the world can you find a country better known for its unity of all its diversities than India- a land of diversities and an amalgamation of cultural and traditional heritage. To quote Mark Twain what he said about India: “The land of … [Read more...]
Dan Pfeiffer, Senior Advisor to the President
MESSAGE FROM Dan Pfeiffer, Senior Advisor to the President Hey everyone, I don't usually write emails like this, and we don't usually send messages like this to this list. But I just finished reading the draft of a speech the President plans to deliver on Wednesday, and I want to explain why it's one worth checking out. Eight years ago, not long after he was elected to the United States Senate, President Obama went to Knox College in his home state of Illinois where he laid out his … [Read more...]
Doris Buffett, ‘Learning by Giving’ {philanthropy online course}
'Learning by Giving', founder Doris Buffett This accredited philanthropy online course launches this July 2013 FORTUNE -- The name Buffett is in the news, but the first name is Doris, not Warren. His older sister by three years -- that makes her 85, him 82 -- she is pursuing a decade-long interest by sponsoring a new, free, online course about philanthropy. The goal of the program, called Giving With Purpose is to teach college students -- and anyone else who cares to register -- … [Read more...]
Lorre White celebrates 12 US ‘Badass’ Inventions that Changed History!
Yesterday America's 237th birthday -12 'Badass' American Inventions that Changed History! The United States of America has been pumping out badass technology since the 18th century. In honor of Independence Day and the land of opportunity's 237th birthday, we've gathered a small sampling of some of the most important, iconic and overall awesome American inventions throughout history. @ Max Knoblauch From rockets to Roombas the robot vacuum, swivel chairs to Macintosh computers, … [Read more...]
WOW, Women of the World ( .. an insider’s view)
Women of the World is an international vocal ensemble currently based in Boston. What started out as a dream three years ago, has become a real musical force. Ayumi Ueda, a Berklee College of Music student from Japan sought to create an eclectic ensemble of women from all over the globe in order to create music for peace. In 2008, Ayumi joined forces with other Berklee students, Ali Rapetti from the United States, Giorgia Renosto from Italy, and Annette Philip from India in order to manifest … [Read more...]
URGENT: Help protect children from new polio outbreak
Dear Friends, I have an urgent request: A polio outbreak has emerged in Somalia and Kenya and the risk of spread – even to neighboring countries – is very high, as many children remain unimmunized. Together, we can make a difference. Supporters like you have brought us closer than ever to polio eradication, but this recent outbreak serves as a reminder that we could easily lose our progress against this highly contagious disease. We cannot let this happen. The United Nations … [Read more...]
Mary D. Moore is Taking Action for World Peace!
Throughout human history, war and violence defined whether territorial boundaries would expand or constrict. The Rule of Law seldom became the standard of societal life; too often, it was might over right. But evolution and the refinement of human morals and ethics have moved mankind, from the mid-20th century, to rise above the pattern of war and violence towards the higher invitation of sustainable peace and the rule of law. For that purpose, the United Nations was … [Read more...]
As we celebrate Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Heritage Month and the many accomplishments of AAPIs, we also want to recognize that these communities still face many barriers to health and health care, including HIV/AIDS. To recognize these challenges, May 19th has been designated as the National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The theme for this year’s observance is: “Saving face can’t make you safe. Talk about HIV—for me, for you, for … [Read more...]