World Urbanization Prospects Worldwide

Revealing urbanization trends worldwide The world’s urban population has grown rapidly since 1950 and the coming decades will bring further profound changes to its size and distribution. On 10 July, UN DESA’s Population Division will release the latest urbanization trends, providing data that are critical for assessing current and future needs with respect to urban growth. Scheduled for launch on 10 July, just one day before World Population Day, the latest version of the World … [Read more...]

The Dark Side of Brazil’s Love for Women’s Soccer

This summer's World Cup will bring together two things for which Brazil is internationally renowned: soccer and beautiful women. While Brazil's reputation for sexy ladies and futebol are mixed together in the advertising leading up to the games, it's another story on the field. The struggles of women attempting to break into the male-dominated world of soccer reveals the darker side of the beautiful game. For a country renowned for its passion and prowess in the sport, acceptance of … [Read more...]

CANADA DAY 2014, What to Do & Where to Go

Canada day in 2014 is on a Tuesday - will you take Monday off? Many people have asked if they can simply "swap" Canada Day this year so it's on Monday instead: no you cannot. If you work for a small business then you may be able to negotiate a special agreement with your boss but legally Canada Day is on Tuesday in 2014. Canada Day celebrates the birthday of Canada. On July 1, 1867 Canada became a new federation with its own constitution by signing the Constitution Act - formerly known as the … [Read more...]

Ramadan, celebrated in ninth month of Islamic Calendar

Some homes have lit lanterns in the evenings during the month of Ramadan. May this festival of lights fill your heart and soul, With blessings, joy and prosperity and make you whole, Wishing you and your family, Ramadan Kareem Mubarak Ramadan (also known as Ramadhan or Ramzan) is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. It is a period of prayer, fasting, charity-giving and self-accountability for Muslims in Canada. The first verses of the Koran (Qu'ran) were revealed to the Prophet … [Read more...]

Welfare for the RICH, Frank Corbin – FREE Seminar$

WELFARE FOR THE RICH by Frank Corbin As we all know, the US financial system is currently in a mess. Institutions like Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stern, AIG and now Washington Mutual are struggling to keep their heads above water. These organizations are either declaring bankruptcy, being bought out by other big financial institution or looking at the US Government for a financial life-support. As with any business model, we must admit … [Read more...]

Global Warming causes Beach Threat

7 of the World’s Most Beautiful and Threatened Beaches by Beth Buczynski It’s summer and for most of us, that means at least one trip to the nearest beach. Splashing in the ocean, soaking up the sun, sinking my toes into the sand: these are sensations only the beach can provide. Sadly, our pollution and exploitation of all the ocean has to offer has put the world’s most beautiful beaches in jeopardy. In 100 years, a beach-side vacation may be something people only read about in books. 7 … [Read more...]

The Path to Feminine Fulfillment, 8 weeks starts July 1

There are a lot of studies out there telling us that women (and men) are not as happy as they used to be –– Women’s Happiness, in particular, has been in a steady decline since 1972, both relative to where they were 40 years ago, and relative to men. This is no surprise to me, because I’ve been hearing the same thing from clients and women who attend my workshops for years. Research suggests that one of the culprits deflating our happiness bubble is our ability to lead two lives (as a … [Read more...]

2014 Partners’ Forum – Johannesburg, (June 30/July1)

Violence against Women Intimate partner and sexual violence against women Introduction The United Nations defines violence against women as "any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life." Intimate partner violence refers to behavior by an intimate partner or ex-partner that … [Read more...]

World Buddhist Women’s Convention, 2015

In 2015, the World Buddhist Women’s Convention will be hosted in Canada by the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Temples of Canada Women’s Federation (JSBTCWF) in Calgary, Alberta Canada. “Embraced by the Oneness of Life” is the theme for this prestigious, international event being held on Saturday, May 30 and Sunday, May 31, 2015. It is anticipated that 2,000 women and men of all ages will be in attendance. Convention Overview The World Federation of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha Buddhist Women’s … [Read more...]

World Pulse, WWW – Women Weave the Web

Earlier this month, World Pulse brought your voices from the WWW: Women Weave the Web Campaign to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS +10 High Level Event) in Geneva, Switzerland — one of the highest policy making platforms working on information and communication technology (ICT) for development. At the forum, we shared your recommendations from the Campaign with government officials, technology companies, and key stakeholders to advocate for the digital inclusion of women around … [Read more...]

Celebrating Summer Solstice 2014

Saturday, June 21, marks the first official day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, when the sun reaches its northernmost point in the sky. But did you know that the summer solstice, as it's called, is the longest day of the year? Here are five facts to know about the first day of summer. When does the summer solstice begin, exactly? In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice begins at 6:51 a.m. EDT on June 21, according to, officially ringing in summer. The date … [Read more...]

Dynamo Entrepreneur Workshop, James Erdt – June 21, 2014

DYNAMO Entrepreneur Success Blueprint Workshop featuring James Erdt Saturday, June 21, 2014 This is the fast lane to developing a successful business as an entrepreneur whether beginner or advanced and will propel you to the next level of productivity and accomplishment. You will get a simple, easy and effective, step by step training formula to equip you with tools you need to advance your projects, concepts and ideas to attain and maintain great success in any business! You will … [Read more...]

Laure Ampilhac, Falling Interest Rates all the Buzz!

It’s that time of the year again when all the buzz in the media is about falling interest rates and special limited time offers. The real and more lasting beneficial value a mortgage broker provides is educating you how to use that lower rate to create substantially more value in your home equity that will become the cornerstone of your overall financial security sooner rather than later. Making the right choices today while interest rates are still low could be the greatest financial … [Read more...]

Celebrating, a Woman ‘to be’ in the White House

Hillary Clinton - WOMAN of ACTION™ run for President; that is the question. JANE PAULEY: If not you, who? Who is the viable woman of either party who could win a primary nomination in 2016, if not you? HILLARY CLINTON: Well, I think there are a number of qualified women who are holding office. "The last few days have offered vivid illustrations of why Hillary Clinton could decide not to run for president — and why, in the end, I believe she will. Example No. 1 is the … [Read more...]

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