Healthy Tips: Maintain Proper pH Balance

The aspect of body PH is often overlooked. Most people do not know what body PH is all about. Medical reports reveal that a considerable percentage of body disorders are as a result of an imbalance in PH. It is therefore essential to ensure that everything necessary is done to keep the body PH adequately balanced. The recommended PH is 7.4. Anything below or above that line is considered an imbalance in body PH. So, is there a way that one can keep body PH balanced? Here are among others the … [Read more...]

5 Tips for Protecting Yourself from a Toxic Lifestyle

Nowadays it's as if there are hazards around every corner. From the exhaust spewing out of the vehicles we drive to the products we use to clean our homes, it seems as though toxins have become nearly ubiquitous in the modern world. Most of us have become accustomed to living with these unhealthy substances, reassuring ourselves that “these things are perfectly normal,” but a growing number of health-conscious women are making an effort to minimize their exposure to things that could potentially … [Read more...]

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