Although there are plenty of female CEO's and entrepreneurs making headlines these days, historically the Fortune 500 list has been reserved mostly for males, with women only accounting for 4.4% of the list as of October, 2015. In other words, out of 500 members there were only 23 female CEOs (last year there were 24). On the bright side, Mary Barra reached #6, obtaining a higher spot than any woman CEO to come before her. These stats can motivate businesswomen everywhere to take action within … [Read more...]
Post-2015 Development Agenda, discussion 4 – 18 January 2013 – Register Here
To ensure that inequalities are addressed in the post-2015 agenda, the Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities (co-led by UNICEF and UN Women) is holding a series of online, moderated discussions to gather views from a broad range of stakeholders on what the post-2015 development agenda should look like. In this context, we would like to invite you take part in an online discussion on how to address Urban Inequalities in the post-2015 development agenda. The discussion is led … [Read more...]
Beverly Boston – WOMAN of ACTION
A Celebration of Women... is honored to Celebrate the Life of yet another Amazing, Powerhouse of a Woman. Beverly has been guided to devote her Life to the Coaching and Mind-shaping others. Her {E.F.T.} Philosophy is that Success is in the Action of "waking up from auto-pilot" in one's life. With her own personal awakening behind her; she is now in the drivers seat, ready, willing and able to share this fact and has created amazing tools so to teach the teachers, as well. WOMAN … [Read more...]
GINGER Katz is Taking Action in MAY with The Courage Foundation!
The Courage to Speak® Foundation Newsletter May 2011 Welcome to our May Issue! Courage to Speak - Courageous Parenting 101® Available in Spanish In The News - Letter to the Editor, by Ginger Katz 7th Annual Courage to Speak Empowering Youth to be Drug Free Family Night on Neighborhood Journal as Shown on Cablevision of CT Save the Date - 13th Annual Ian James Eaccarino Memorial 9-Mile Race & 5K Health Walk - August 6, 2011 @ 8 am Upcoming Presentations - May/June 2011 … [Read more...]