Winning at Work: Work-Life Harmony While Climbing the Ladder

Navigating the professional landscape as a woman can be challenging, but with the right strategies and mindset, you can achieve your career aspirations. This guide provides actionable insights to help you advance, seize opportunities, and build a fulfilling and empowering career. With targeted advice, you'll learn to navigate workplace complexities and harness your unique strengths effectively. Define Your Goals Setting clear, achievable goals is the cornerstone of career advancement. … [Read more...]

Beverly Boston – WOMAN of ACTION

A Celebration of Women... is honored to Celebrate the Life of yet another Amazing, Powerhouse of a Woman. Beverly has been guided to devote her Life to the Coaching and Mind-shaping others. Her {E.F.T.} Philosophy is that Success is in the Action of "waking up from auto-pilot" in one's life. With her own personal awakening behind her; she is now in the drivers seat, ready, willing and able to share this fact and has created amazing tools so to teach the teachers, as well. WOMAN … [Read more...]

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