National Child Abuse Prevention Month takes place every April in the USA. National Child Abuse Prevention Month is a time to acknowledge the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect, and to promote the social and emotional well-being of children and families. During the month of April and throughout the year, communities are encouraged to share child abuse and neglect prevention awareness strategies and activities and promote … [Read more...]
The List Maker’s Get-Healthy Guide, 7 Pains You Should Never Ignore
7 Pains You Should Never Ignore See which painful symptoms could indicate a health emergency By the Editors of Prevention Pay Attention to Your Body’s Signals Usually a headache is just a headache, and heartburn is nothing more than a sign that your last meal didn’t agree with you. Except when they’re not. Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t quite right. More often than not, you have some idea of what’s behind it. But when it comes … [Read more...]
7th International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference
June 30, 2013, was the opening plenary of the 7th International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment, and Prevention in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. We asked Dr. Carl Dieffenbach, Director of the Division of AIDS at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), to share highlights from the conference via Skype. Please see his reflections, below. - See more HERE. Dr. Dieffenbach will be sharing highlights from the IAS Conference every day, … [Read more...]
Women, How to Stay Safe at Night
If you’re forced to walk home at night, one of the best and most effective ways of ensuring that you reach your destination safely is to have a companion along for the journey. Assailants tend to strike single targets, rather than couples or small groups that can be more difficult for them to successfully subdue on their own. While men should certainly be cautious when they’re walking home at night, it’s especially important for women to understand the dangers of walking alone at … [Read more...]
DES Tragedy ** Mothers, Daughters, Sons, 3rd Generation and Beyond, Transgender
Many women across the world have been involved in keeping the message of the DES Tragedy alive. We provide education to the DES Exposed, provide resources for patients to bring to their doctors and continue to push for research. We welcome everyone from the DES community -- Mothers, Daughters, Sons, 3rd Generation and Beyond, Transgender, and family and friends of DES-exposed -- as well as those interested in learning more. Description The DES tragedy of in-utero exposure and … [Read more...]
Contraceptive Commodities for Women’s Health
Contraceptive Commodities for Women's Health Key Data and Findings Author: UNFPA No. of pages: 29 Publication date: 2012 Available languages: English Download PDF - English Expanding access to a choice of affordable and appropriate contraceptive commodities is critical to achieving the goal of reproductive health for all. This report, prepared for the United Nations Commission on Commodities for Women and Children’s Health, provides a review of three contraceptive … [Read more...]
Cervical Cancer Prevention Campaign Kicks Off in the Western Balkans
JANUARY is ... Cervical Cancer Prevention Month SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina — Although it is preventable and treatable, cervical cancer continues to be a major killer of women. Caused by sexually-acquired infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), cervical cancer claims the lives of more than 270,000 women every year, most of whom (85 per cent) live in developing countries. It is also a major cause of death for women in the Western Balkans. In response, a social mobilization … [Read more...]