Many women may not realize what is happening to their body when they first enter their menopausal years. Yet, they may experience a variety of permanent or temporary symptoms, such as mood swings, insomnia, and hot flashes. Eventually, they may come to realize that they’re living with menopause. To alleviate some of the problems, we’re offering six top tips for dealing with menopause. 1. Avoid Hot Flash Triggers Are you experiencing many hot flashes each day? If so, you’ll be happy to … [Read more...]
Female Memory Stronger than Male at 50!!!
Information about even the tiniest details of our daily lives zooms along neurons in our brains and is processed and saved in some predetermined location. How and what information is stored in the memory is in part dependent on whether an individual is a man or a woman. While the underlying mechanisms that explain memory differences between men and women are largely unknown, the fact that there are differences remains an intriguing and insightful area of scientific study. New evidence, reported … [Read more...]
Celebrate the ‘Second Talk’
Menopause literally means the "end of monthly cycles" (the end of monthly periods aka menstruation), from the Greek word pausis (cessation) and the root men- (month). Menopause is an event that typically (but not always) occurs in women in midlife, during their late 40s or early 50s, and it signals the end of the fertile phase of a woman's life. However, rather than being defined by the state of the uterus and the absence of menstrual flow, menopause is more accurately defined as the permanent … [Read more...]