“How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways…,”

Elizabeth Barrett Browning's begins... How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. How long has it been since you wrote your sweetheart a beautiful sonnet or simply told her/him, "I love you." Marriage and relationship experts agree on the importance of communicating love to our partners often and in a variety of forms. We often forget to show the ones we love how important they are to us. Simply saying, "I love you," is one way, but there are many other ways. Be creative. Do it with … [Read more...]

CelebrateLove.com, You Don’t Get Happy By Accident!‏

Are you tired of waiting around for happiness to find you? ...and waiting and waiting and waiting. Happiness can't find you and you cannot find happiness. Happiness is not something to be found... it exists whenever you decide you want it to. Notice I said, "You decide!" Happiness is a conscious decision that pushes it to express itself. Your thoughts become words, words become acts, acts become habits, habits express your character and your character becomes your destiny. Imagine if … [Read more...]

Good Intentions Are Not Enough!‏ – Wayne Dyer

Isn't it interesting? We have good intentions, yet, somehow we often never seem to get around to doing everything we know must be done to stimulate healthy love relationships. "Green lights and straight ahead" sounds like a great idea, however, without declaring good intentions nothing ever changes... it may change but you have no power over it. There is great power with intention when coupled with an act that one consciously wills. Good intentions without affirmative action get you … [Read more...]

Back to the Future‏, CelebrateLove.com

Back to the Future Is your relationship going through a rough spot? Are the good ole days fading fast? Instead of giving in or giving up... perhaps it's time to take a look back. Can you remember the good times? To stay motivated during the tough times, take some time to go back in your memory to when you were first together. If I were betting man, I'd win money that you both have probably stopped doing the things that brought you together in the first place. Am I … [Read more...]

“I’m Fine!” and she stomped away…‏

“I’m Fine!” and she stomped away… Withholding communication from your partner is the first step in the wrong direction. Not saying what you need to say can drive a wedge between partners that can take time to extract. Consider this familiar exchange from Therapist, Kristen McClure: Him: "Whats wrong?" (Genuinely baffled as to why his partner appears angry at him). Her: "Everything is fine" (As she looks away from him, shrinks from his touch and displays body language that … [Read more...]

Accept Compliments Graciously‏

Congratulations! You've earned somebody's respect and admiration. What do you say to that? Are you one of those people who gets uncomfortable when someone compliments you? Why is it so difficult to accept compliments graciously? It's important to learn to accept compliments graciously. In a recent study most people deflect compliments nearly two-thirds of the time, often by suggesting that they don't deserve the praise. But deflection contradicts the person who gave the compliment, … [Read more...]

So… What About the Power of Prayer?‏

So… What About the Power of Prayer? Have you ever had the feeling that you were moving near the edge of desperation and said something like this, "God, am I ever going to find someone to love?" but past that, you never quite expected an answer? Or have you been brought to your knees, and said fervently, "God, I'm serious this time. It really would be great if you would send me someone to love and who loves me," and time dragged on, you're still single and you never got the answer you … [Read more...]

Giving Yourself Up Is Lifting Yourself Up

The Bright Side of Uncertainty Key Lesson: Uncertainty is unwanted because it feels so unpleasant each time it appears in our lives. But, can we be awake enough to see its positively bright side? For as surely as darkness must come before the break of a new day, so it's true: before the new light of higher understanding can have its gentle dawn in us -- we must see that we have come to the end of what we know. Giving Yourself Up Is Lifting Yourself Up The gradual realization that … [Read more...]

I Love Pizza! ~ I Love You!, Mary Beth Bonacci

I Love Pizza! ~ I Love You! People use the word "love" a lot of different ways. Take me, for instance. I am often heard saying that I love my mom and dad. I am also often heard saying that I love pizza. What am I saying when I say I love my mom and dad? I'm saying that I care about them. I'm saying that I love spending time with them and that I talk to them every chance I get. I'm saying that if they needed me, I would do every humanly possible to help them. I'm saying that I … [Read more...]

Have Sex… Whether You Want to or Not!

Kristy Sinsara, Guest Author Everyone has great sex in the beginning, gay or straight but then life happens. And those sexy fun nights where you throw the mattress down in front of the fireplace and drink wine and watch your favorite movies and have wild, awesome, fun, amazing sex that you think would put porn stars to shame turns into reality and life and kids and demands and work and family and stress and "when could you possibly find the time" and besides "it's the last thing on your … [Read more...]

Little Known Facts About Valentine’s Day!‏

Love and romance are in the air; Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Every February 14th, we celebrate relationships, old and new, with candy hearts, chocolates and roses. But who was St. Valentine and where did we get some of our modern-day traditions? Snuggle up with your sweetie and find some of the answers here in our Valentine's Day infographic presented by Overstock.com. Larry James is a professional speaker, author, relationship coach and an award winning nondenominational … [Read more...]

Faith, Family and Friends, Larry James

I've been a relationship coach since 1995. It seems that more and more couples are struggling to get their priorities right. The three topics that have come up over the past 8 to 10 months have been faith, family and friends. You would be wise to put these three things on your priority. Maybe it's just me, however I feel that your faith should always be first in your life. There are so many names for God. When I speak of faith, I invite you to call on whatever name you call your Higher Power. … [Read more...]

“I have a confession to make. I’m dating someone I married”

This Man Is Dating Someone Although He’s Married. Sounds Disgusting, AND I’m On His Side. Jarrid Wilson, Guest Author “I have a confession to make. I’m dating someone even though I’m married." She’s an incredible girl. She’s beautiful, smart, cunning, strong, and has an immensely strong faith in God. I love to take her out to dinner, movies, local shows, and always tell her how beautiful she is. I can’t remember the last time I was mad at her for longer than five minutes, and … [Read more...]

Weigh Your Words‏ by CelebrateLove.com

It is a wise love partner who is aware of the potential damage loose words can cause. Words spoken in anger inflict wounds that sometimes take a long time to heal. Think first, then speak. "Oh, be careful of the words you speak!" ~ Rev. David Ring It is one thing to speak what you feel and quite another to speak what you feel without regard to the consequences of the pain that might accompany your words when spoken hastily to your love partner. The words we express allow us … [Read more...]

10 Signs You’re Acting Like an Old Married Couple

Here are ten signs that you’re acting like an old married couple: 1. You’ve only been married for a few years - isn’t it too soon for you and your partner to wear matching tracksuits? The short answer: Yes. 2. You think sleep is sexier than... sex. ~ Sleep is a magical thing, but those marathon snooze sessions shouldn’t take priority over sex.Making love releases the hormone oxytocin, which promotes feelings of closeness; having sex regularly can help you and your partner feel more … [Read more...]

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