Perseverence does not mean one won’t fall!

Perserverence does not mean one won't fall; it simply means that you will pick yourself up and try again!   Perseverance doesn’t mean we don’t fall down, make mistakes or have missteps. On the contrary, perseverance means that no matter what, we keep going. I have bad days, get moody, and feel down. But the important thing is to know that it doesn’t last. But even more disappointing than a short amount of time where you’re “off your game” is a significant setback, derailment or … [Read more...]

Maya Lin * Tribute Celebration – WOMAN of ACTION

A Celebration of Women is honored to Celebrate the Life of this amazing talent; one that carries with her a social conscience and intergrity. Celebrate with us a woman that used her talent to help others, create positive change and encourage a social responsibility. WOMAN of ACTION Maya Lin " I really did mean for people to cry." Maya Lin says of the 'Wall'. Maya Lin was born in Athens, Ohio, on October 5, 1959, of Chinese lineage. Maya attended … [Read more...]

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