Beyond the Basics: Advanced Techniques for Lawn Maintenance

Moving beyond the basics of lawn maintenance opens up a world of advanced techniques that can take your turf from good to great. These strategies go beyond the standard mow-and-water routine, delving into the intricacies of soil health, grass species selection, and specialized treatments. Here are some advanced techniques to elevate your lawn care game: Soil Testing and Amendment: Understanding your soil composition is essential for optimizing lawn health. Conducting a comprehensive … [Read more...]

Policy for domestic workers, ”a matter of urgency” says ILO

Domestic workers in India have more than doubled in number since 2005. Talking to BBC World News, ILO's, Tine Staermose stressed the importance of policies aimed at protecting a very vulnerable section of the society. India's domestic workers are considered to ''uphold the economy'', with a rising population of over 10 million. Making decent work a reality for domestic workers worldwide: Domestic workers comprise a significant part of the global workforce in informal employment … [Read more...]

GARDENING: 5 Steps to Making a Simple Container Garden

5 Steps to Making a Simple Container Garden Container gardens work well for people who live in an apartment or those that don’t have room in their yard to grow a garden. However, anyone who wants to add some greenery and a splash of color some place where there isn’t any dirt can still use a container garden. Maybe you’d like to create a welcoming entrance on your front walk. A container garden on either side of the walk creates a beautiful entrance. Follow these simple steps and you … [Read more...]

How to Plant an Herb Box with Your Kids

Showing your kids how to grow their own herbs doesn’t have to just be done for educational purposes; it can also be a lot of fun, quality time spent together as well. To start you’ll need to decide with your kids what kind of herb box you are going to grow together. One way to make the process more fun is to choose a theme for the herb box, such as making a cooking herb box for a specific dish. For example, you could grow a pizza herb box or a spaghetti box. Or you could make the theme be … [Read more...]

Butterfly Garden, a spring delight!

What is butterfly gardening? Simply put, 'butterfly gardening' is the art of growing flowers and plants that will attract these colorful and dainty creatures to your garden. Butterfly gardening has become one of the most popular hobbies today. What could bring more joy than a beautiful butterfly fluttering around your garden? Attracting butterflies to your garden not only can bring a sense of delight. Reasons for Butterfly Gardening Some people only like to look at the … [Read more...]

KOREA – on September 22 is celebrating a Happy Thanksgiving!

  Thanksgiving Day Celebration!  Korea     September 22   Chu Suk is a popular Korean Festival during the harvest season. The festival is also celebrated as a mark of respect to elders. Families visit their ancestral properties in home towns. It is a time for feasting and happiness for Koreans. Offerings are made of newly harvested foods. Songp'yon, crescent-shaped rice cakes stuffed with sesame seeds, chestnut paste or beans, are a Chu Suk … [Read more...]

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