Canadian Women’s Foundation, Beverley Wybrow CEO

RELENTLESS BODY SHAMING PUTS MORE THAN ONE QUARTER OF CANADIAN GIRLS AT RISK   From the overt body shaming of Hollywood actors like Jennifer Lawrence and Lena Dunham, to the impossible standards set by photoshopped images in magazines, the pressure for perfection is undeniable. A new study from the Canadian Women's Foundation reveals that Canadian girls are the latest casualties of a culture that continues to erode the female gender's self-esteem by promoting an image of beauty that is … [Read more...]

Social Pressures Teen Girls Face

30 Blogs Addressing the Social Pressures Teen Girls Face Teenage girls suffer a daily barrage of views and opinions on how they should look, dress and behave. With so much external pressure, these girls can often suffer from both physical and psychological health issues. Since the advent of social media, the pressures that teenage girls face have greatly increased. Cyber bullying is only the tip of the iceberg, as there are other less apparent pressures, such as targeted advertising, … [Read more...]

Free Call with Marianne‏ Williamson – July 16

Dear Friends, My 4-week online course, The Divine Alignment of Body & Soul begins on July 24th. The course will focus on the role of the body in our spiritual journey, and how an enlightened perspective can help free us from dysfunctional thoughts and behavior regarding food, body image and physical intimacy. I will be doing a FREE CALL about the course on Tuesday, July 16, at 6PM Pacific Time / 9PM Eastern Time. Join in to get a sense of what the online course is about, and decide … [Read more...]

How to Talk to Pre-Teens About Having a Healthy Body Image

How to Talk to Pre-Teens About Having a Healthy Body Image During the preteen years, your child’s body is growing and changing in ways that can make her feel uncomfortable in her own skin. Puberty can leave kids a bit heavier than they were before and can wreak havoc with their already-delicate self-esteem until their body image is skewed to an unhealthy point. Talking to your preteen about anything can be a bit difficult, as she is learning to navigate the world of adult social interactions … [Read more...]

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