What's your BOLD VISION for ending violence against women? Through December 10th, World Pulse is collecting your testimonies and solutions for combating gender-based violence. We will channel your voices to media and influencers----including the United Nations----to scale up your visions for change. We want to hear about… What innovative grassroots solutions are already making a difference in your community Mobile gender courts that prosecute rapists and address impunity in rural … [Read more...]
Women, family planning summit mobilized an unprecedented $2.6 billion
According to Richard Kollodge, the Editor of the report launched on Wednesday, there are many barriers to accessing family planning, not only in developing countries, but throughout the world. Mr. Kollodge says that new statistics that came out earlier this year show that 222 million women in developing countries would like to use family planning but have no access to it. "So that's one of the reasons why UNFPA has focused on family planning for this year's report. Another big reason … [Read more...]
Contraception in Tajikistan: Poverty, Religion and Mothers-in-law
KHOVALING, Tajikistan --- “Things were different in my day,” says 70-year-old Tojigul Qurbonova, a mother of ten. “Mothers with a lot of children were showered with benefits and had a good life,” she adds, showing off a ‘Mother Hero’ certificate she was awarded in 1980. In those days, under the Soviet Union, big families were encouraged and supported. Mothers with more than five children were awarded gold medals, apartments, telephones, and received financial help in the form of child … [Read more...]
ZA’ATARI REFUGEE CAMP, Mafreq, Jordan — Syrian women residing in the are trying to cope with life in the fenced area that hosts some 40,000 refugees, by engaging in several activities organized by UNFPA. For Fathieh, participating in these activities helps kill time. “Currently, I train women on weaving and embroidery skills, and I learn other handicrafts,” said the mother of ten. Fathieh noted that she attended workshops about family planning organized by the UNFPA and the Noor Al … [Read more...]
Twitter, UN Women post-2015 LIVE – Nov. 13 @ 9 am EST.
#AskUNWomen Twitter chat on gender equality. In the context of the post-2015 consultations on inequalities, UN Women will hold a live twitter chat on gender equality with Deputy Executive Director John Hendra. What are the most widespread and fundamental forms of inequalities women and girls face around the world? What do you think are the major causes of gender inequalities within and among different societies? What actions could be taken to reduce those … [Read more...]
Women are main guardians of crucial livestock diversity
November 2012, Rome - Women livestock keepers worldwide must be recognized as the major actors in efforts to arrest the decline of indigenous breeds, crucial for rural food security and animal genetics, a new FAO study argues. Yet women's contribution to indigenous livestock breeding and conservation is poorly documented and undervalued, the study Invisible Guardians: Women manage livestock diversity says. Of the 600 million poor livestock keepers in the world, around two-thirds are women, … [Read more...]
World Food Day 2012 – “Agricultural cooperatives – key to feeding the world”
World Food Day is celebrated every year around the world on 16 October in honor of the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945. The day is celebrated widely by many other organisations concerned with food security, including the World Food Programme. The World Food Day theme for 2012 is "Agricultural cooperatives – key to feeding the world". World Food Day (WFD) was established by FAO's Member Countries at the Organization's 20th General … [Read more...]
UNDP calls for a caucus of women political leaders
Mass movement of women is critical for Women’s Reservation Bill in India New Delhi -- UNDP has called for the formation of a caucus of women political leaders across party lines to enhance women’s participation within political parties and to advocate for the Women’s Reservation Bill as a collective voice. For affirmative action to happen – be it quotas in Parliament or in political parties – mobilization of women around an integrated development agenda is critical. This was one of the … [Read more...]