Image: Marlo Sollito With people living longer and our lives becoming busier, it’s hard to give the elderly women who raised us, such as our mothers and grandmothers, the care that they deserve. Finding someone to be there when we cannot is a minefield, and it’s hard to know what to look for when looking for quality in-home care. Therefore, it’s important to keep these four crucial factors in the front of your mind during your search. Before you get in-home care for your loved one, you need … [Read more...]
How to find quality care for our elderly loved ones
5 Tips for Protecting Yourself from a Toxic Lifestyle
Nowadays it's as if there are hazards around every corner. From the exhaust spewing out of the vehicles we drive to the products we use to clean our homes, it seems as though toxins have become nearly ubiquitous in the modern world. Most of us have become accustomed to living with these unhealthy substances, reassuring ourselves that “these things are perfectly normal,” but a growing number of health-conscious women are making an effort to minimize their exposure to things that could potentially … [Read more...]
ACN: Association for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy
In the same way that many nonprofits have their beginnings, the Association for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy (ACN) began with the effort of one person’s dedicated passion. Sheila Rogers DeMare, MS, started ACN in 1996 to inform families on how diet, the immune system, nutritional imbalances, chemical exposures, and allergies can affect neurological conditions. Natural and Integrative Approaches to Neurological and Behavior Problems She says, “I soon found myself in the role of … [Read more...]
Living From Your Soul: 9-Week Course, Neale Donald Walsch
Living From Your Soul: A 9-Week Journey to Create a Life That Expresses Your Truest Self with Neale Donald Walsch Neal shares "For me, the beginning of the most fruitful, exciting and rewarding time of my life was the moment I realized I had a soul. Before then, I didn't know what "having" a soul really meant; I didn't know what the soul was, or what it did. And I had no idea what my soul could offer me or do for my life. My soul might as well not even have been there for all the … [Read more...]
The Top 5 Jobs in Public Health
In this day and age, demand is growing immensely for all kinds of professionals in the public health sector. The highest salaried public health workers can averagely earn $88,500 to $93,910 annually. With the number and scope of jobs becoming available in the public health sector expanding, it provides a better opportunity for you. Here are the five top jobs in public health. Health and Safety Engineer Being a health and safety engineer means that your work primarily focuses on scientific … [Read more...]
Celebrating Canonization of Mother Teresa: Sept 4, 1016
Before She Became Teresa Her middle name, Gonxha, means “little flower” in Albanian. Even before blossoming into her life as a religious sister, young Agnes Bojaxhiu showed signs of passionate devotion to Christ. Early on, she began celebrating her birthday on the day of her baptism, August 27. Who could have predicted that this “little flower” would go on to serve the poorest of the poor thousands of miles away? Set to Get Notified Here Pope Francis held a Consistory of … [Read more...]
4 Reasons to Share Your Personal Journey with Others
If you’ve struggled with alcoholism or severe depression with thoughts of suicide, you know too well the feelings of being utterly alone. Even if you have family and friends who love you, spiraling into the depths of depression, alcohol abuse, and suicide make you blind to your own value. It can leave you feeling as though your loved ones would be better off without you around. Having gone through such a journey and emerging a stronger, more resilient person allows for an opportunity to share … [Read more...]
Stress Coping Strategies for Busy Women
Today’s woman has more on her plate than ever before in history and unfortunately, this leads to inordinate amounts of stress. Not only do most women hold down a job outside the home but they are also typically mothers and often active in the community. This leaves very little time to take care of themselves and so one stressor is compounded on another and before you know it they are simply ready to break. Instead of letting life get out of control to that point, take a few moments to … [Read more...]
WPD2016: Thank You Sponsoring Exhibitors!
A Celebration of Women™ thanks our Exhibiting Sponsors! DATE: SEPT 18, 2016 TIME: 11 AM - 6 PM (Registration Opens at 10 AM) VENUE: The Hard Rock Cafe 279 Yonge St., Toronto, ON Exhibiting Sponsors! The Peace Shop was launched in July of 2016 as an online enterprise in support of peace: 10% of all profits are donated to the Foundation for Food and Peace. A variety of t-shirts for men, women, and children are available, as … [Read more...]
Action For Her Future, Kathy Calvin
This year, as the world turns to action to make the new global goals for sustainable development a reality, we've seen that girls and women have the power to drive progress for all the goals -- from ending poverty to protecting our planet. When girls and women everywhere are safe, healthy, educated, and empowered, they can transform our communities and our world. And what's one of the most important ways to make sure girls and women have the opportunity to thrive, no matter where they live? … [Read more...]
If Mango Is the King, Here Comes The Queen…. !!!
If Mango Is the King, Here Comes The Queen.... !!! Begum Hamida Habibullah Love Summers... I'm sure you love mangoes too.Yes this is all about mangoes.Once upon a time not so long ago,1965 to be precise Begum Hamida Habibullah started planting mango trees in the outskirts of Lucknow, Saidanpur district in barabanki. There were many naysayers in the village and around yet nothing would stop this lady with a vision to grow mango orchards in Lucknow. With barely any roads, water or … [Read more...]
Benzos: A Whole New Generation of Dangerous ‘Mother’s Little Helpers’
Way back in the 1960s, the Rolling Stones did a song about an already epidemic problem, addiction to tranquilizers. The song is entitled Mother’s Little Helper. While many people thought it was about all kinds of tranquilizers, in reality they were referring to a specific pharmaceutical that gained prominence among physicians during the 1950s. The name of the drug was Miltown and it was used for everything from anxiety to detox from alcohol. Unfortunately, Miltown also led to addiction of … [Read more...]
Tips for Moms Facing the Consequences of Addiction
Addictions come in all shapes and sizes but there is one thing that is always for sure, there are going to be consequences for addiction to mind or mood altering substances. Whether you are impaired because of the addiction may be up to dispute but if that addiction can potentially lead to mishaps and injuries, there is a real problem. Mothers in the 21st Century are still becoming addicted to legally prescribed medications and as a result, are facing consequences that they never foresaw. If you … [Read more...]
IWD2016: Great Memories at A Celebration of Women™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of these powerful women leaders… seen here at our 5th Annual Celebration of International Womens Day 2016 Celebration that took place in Toronto on March 6, 2016 at The Hard Rock Cafe. Starting off the day is Abby McDonald sharing of the importance of Raising the Feminine Divine on planet Earth. Crowd settling in ... Tabi Jatoi shares on Key elements of Maternal Health ... Shelly Skinner … [Read more...]
MARCH 6 – International Women’s Day 2016 Celebration: A Woman’s World … is an Inside Job!
Celebrating International Women's Day 2016, A Celebration of Women™ Foundation Inc. will be hosting a superb day of amazing sharing from the heart. Below is a peek at our speakers for your enjoyment. JOIN US - MARCH 6, 2016 "A Woman's World ... is an Inside Job!" DATE: MARCH 6, 2016 REGISTRATION: 10 AM - 11 AM TIME: 11 AM - 6 PM VENUE: The Hard Rock Cafe, 279 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M5B 1N8 SCHEDULE: 11 - 1:30 PM - SPEAKERS, 1:30 -2:30 PM LUNCH BREAK 2:30 -4 SPEAKERS, 4-6 … [Read more...]