Women across the country are reaching new heights in recent times. Should you check out these statistics published by the Forbes magazine, you’ll learn about the scope of women’s empowerment. Around 47% of the workforce or 75 million women are employed in different spheres in America. More of the feminine gender is educated and has advanced college degrees than their counterparts a few decades ago. You may also hear about how more than 11.6 million businesses in America are owned by female … [Read more...]
Fortitude & Women’s Empowerment – Faith and Community Support Can Help Overcome Challenges
Top Tips to help Women reach their Fitness Goals
All women have different fitness goals - from losing weight and toning up, to adding muscle and building stamina. Or, you may just want to have some fun, try a new exercise, and meet like-minded people in the process. Whatever your fitness goals, it is crucial to have a plan in place and to monitor your progress to see whether you’re on track to achieve them. Here are some top tips to help you reach your fitness goals. Set realistic goals No matter what you are hoping to achieve, it is … [Read more...]
Follow These 5 Tips & Stand Up for Yourself in Any Situation
Do you find yourself going with the flow all too often because you want to avoid conflict? Would you like to be more confident in making your views or desires known? When you let people walk over you too often, it can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety. It can also lead to harmful feelings of insecurity and lacking in self-worth. Standing up for yourself if not something that comes naturally to everyone. Indeed, some people struggle with it throughout their lives. It is, however, a skill you … [Read more...]
Women’s Most Common Motivation to Lose Weight
If you have been trying to lose weight, there is a good chance that you know what actions you should be taking. However, the difficulty that most people have with losing weight is finding the motivation to stick with their diet and exercise program. The reason that you have for losing weight will be personal to you, but there are certain techniques for maintaining motivation that work for a lot of people. Some of these techniques are described in more detail below. Keep Your Reasons In … [Read more...]
Women’s Most Common Motivation to Lose Weight
If you have been trying to lose weight, there is a good chance that you know what actions you should be taking. However, the difficulty that most people have with losing weight is finding the motivation to stick with their diet and exercise program. The reason that you have for losing weight will be personal to you, but there are certain techniques for maintaining motivation that work for a lot of people. Some of these techniques are described in more detail below. Keep Your Reasons In … [Read more...]
The Current State of Female Specific Abortion and Infanticide
Citizens of highly developed countries are sometimes complacent regarding the quality of life, rights and freedoms they enjoy. Stories of incomprehensible barbarism and naked injustice abroad disturb them, but do not necessarily motivate activism. Whether from feelings of powerlessness, attitudes of contempt or afflictions of lassitude, those with the means to address brutal practices and mindsets simply shake their heads and move on with their lives. Meanwhile, abuses, oppression and crimes … [Read more...]
Simple Ways to Reduce Your Household Bills
Managing money is stressful and difficult. That’s even more true if your wages don’t quite stretch to the end of the month. If you struggle to make ends meet, then it is possible to cut your household bills so that they are less demanding. Some of the most effective ways of slashing your ongoing costs are easier to implement than you might think, and from big changes to small, you could be finishing every month with a little more money in your bank account. For example, if you live in … [Read more...]
7 Tips to Lead a Blog Being a Mom and Having No Time
Starting a blog and being successful at it is not an easy job, especially being a mom. As blessed as motherhood is, it comes with its own demands and challenges. But thanks to the internet and the boom in technology, blogging opens up a plethora of opportunities for moms determined to make a career of it. If you are looking to explore a new career path via blogging or looking to create a community, you are better off with a few tips to help along the way. 1. Establish your … [Read more...]
Finding the Right Doctor in Maryland for Natural Treatment
Medical marijuana has been on the rise for the past few years, especially in Maryland. Being one of the relatively recent states to approve medical marijuana, the residents are still trying to find themselves a doctor that will stay with them for the rest of their marijuana treatment. So, how do you find the right doctor in Maryland? Just read on to find out more about the process and other valuable information that you will need when you find one. Where Are They? Finding a good doctor … [Read more...]
Scuba Diving? 5 Reasons Why Women Are Awesome at It
For years, popular opinion has always been that scuba diving is a male forte. But, in recent times, more women are stepping into the arena with scientists conceding that the activity may be better suited for the female anatomical structure. It may surprise you to know that close to 40% of certified scuba divers are present are female. Should you check this article on the PADI website, you’ll learn about the many esteemed women that have made their mark in the sphere of oceanic explorations. And, … [Read more...]
Possible Health Issues From Excessive Or Harmful Makeups
In a world that now uses Instagram pictures and Facebook posts to judge how great people look, many people now feel like they have to look their best literally all the time. The need to always be selfie-ready comes at a relatively high price, depending on how you look at it. Women for years have been told by the makeup conglomerates, how they can instantly liven up their faces with a dash of mascara and a little foundation. Okay, while that sometimes may be true, applying cosmetic products … [Read more...]
Get Your Master’s Degree in Nursing Online
Balancing academics then switching to nursing is not a cup of tea for everyone. If you want to be a registered and good nurse, you have to put all your efforts. It is not for all; it needs smart and managing minds to proceed with. Nursing is basically playing with various environments with different roles and presence of mind. To serve humanity and to earn with such a well-reputed career, you need to get good grades while studying for nursing. Various Types or Fields of Nursing You Should … [Read more...]
Attending Church for Your Mental Health and Well-being
Humans have acquired much more knowledge than at any other time in history, and technological marvels of today allow us to live much more comfortable lives than at any other period in human history. Yet suicides are up the world over, and the rates of depression and anxiety are ballooning in adolescents and teens around the world. At moments like these, it’s important to remember community and religion are things that hold entire civilizations together and can present greater opportunities for … [Read more...]