Traditionally, you would be forgiven for never have even thought about buying a gift card for your own personal use and, rather, would always associate gift cards and vouchers with a present from a friend, family or loved one’s birthday or Christmas gift. However, (it will probably surprise you to learn) that there is a wide number of amazing reasons to buy a gift card for your own personal use. Here are just a few of them: Gift Cards Can Remind You To Treat Yourself If, perhaps, you … [Read more...]
Finding Fashion for all Seasons and Occasion
Knowing what to wear all throughout the year can be difficult. You want to look your best and feel your best as much as possible. However, quite often, you find that you don't have time to shop and buy what you want. When you are busy with life, family, work or business commitments, you don't have the time to go visiting lots of stores and trying on clothes to find out what suits you, and what fits you. However, having the right clothes for you is important, as clothes can affect your confidence … [Read more...]
Top Tips to Gain Confidence in Your Appearance
Although you are much more than your looks, it can be difficult to feel confident in yourself when you have issues with your body image and self-esteem. Then, if you are starting to feel down whenever you look in the mirror, and this is impacting your ability to thrive at work, and home and your ability to sustain good mental health, here are some tips to boost your confidence in your appearance. 1. Get Tattoos Removed One of the reasons that you might feel less than confident when it … [Read more...]
How to Ease Back Into Your Fitness Routine After Giving Birth
Every new mommy wants to get back to their old life and exercise routines after delivery. This is even more important for mommies because they feel like their bodies changed too much after giving birth. Embracing that isn't a bad thing. It just means you have to ease into this a little more thoughtfully, and that's what you're going to learn about here. Take it Easy When a mom gives birth, all sorts of things could happen, including diastasis recti. If you're wondering what is diastasis … [Read more...]
Lady Patricia’s Experience with Relaxed and Natural Hair
Women with Afro kinky hair know firsthand the frustration that can come with trying to achieve long and healthy hairstyles. Many resort to relaxers to tame their hair, and some don’t feel that they have other options. In this valuable guide, Patricia Atsonglo gives her tips and advice based on years of research and the expertise of stylists, describing effective methods for common hairstyles for black women such as mesa, thread type, Afro and relaxed. "I wrote my book because I … [Read more...]
A Domestic Abuse Victim’s Guide to Freedom
Unfortunately, domestic violence is a common problem. Statistics show that one in four women and one in seven men in the U.S. experience physical violence from a partner. But because of victim stigma and shame, this is a problem that doesn't get addressed enough while solutions are not often discussed. It makes sense for victims to want to get as far away from their abusers as possible, but unfortunately, they often encounter obstacles like a lack of money and even laws that forbid them to … [Read more...]
How to Buy Health Insurance for Yourself
Health insurance plans are like the most reliable friend one can have. Unfortunately, most people in India are not aware of the benefits a health insurance plan can bring. An insurance plan is compared to a reliable friend because when you buy health insurance, it provides you with financial aid in case of a medical emergency. Basically, a health insurance policy provides you with protection for both your health and wealth. Different insurance providers offer different health insurance … [Read more...]
4 Signs You Need to Take a Break as a Mum
Mums are known to be tough and can wear several hats. If you are one of these superwomen, you may not be a stranger to waking up early morning, juggling office and home chores, prepping dinner, cleaning the house, taking care of the kids, and the list goes on. The day can always be tiring, which is why you need to take a break. You can break down, or you might lose it in no time if you continue to use all your energy without recharging. A quick break from all the chaos will go a long way. You … [Read more...]
How to Express Your Identity Through Fashion and Fragrance
Nowadays, everyone has carte blanche to wear exactly what they want and to use beauty and make-up products in whichever way they choose, however eclectic or minimal. Trendsetter There are several key elements to becoming a fashion and fragrance trendsetter, all of which are only achievable when you enjoy the pieces you wear. There is little point in representing a fashion house or start-up brand when you do not share their love of the pieces themselves, the ethos of the designer, and the … [Read more...]
3 Tips to Help You Achieve Healthier Hair
Having a full and healthy head of hair isn’t always as simple as it may seem. There are a variety of factors that might be standing in the way of you achieving the healthy head of hair that you have always dreamed of. From hormonal changes to your inherited genetics, you might find yourself fighting an uphill battle in regard to the quality of your hair. Many people find themselves suffering from sudden hair loss as the result of high amounts of stress. Other factors such as a poor diet can … [Read more...]
Taking Care of Yourself as an Older Adult
Adulthood and age come with it many responsibilities. There are likely many things, tasks, and activities that you have to do daily. From the simple task of getting up and making your bed, making and preparing food, and completing tasks related to your work, it is safe to say that life can get busy. If you are an older adult, it may become more difficult for you to handle and juggle all the responsibilities of life, and so, you may need help. This is normal and understandable because … [Read more...]
How to Enjoy Yourself on a Budget
Whether it's the evening or a weekend, it is imperative that you take time out of your day to properly enjoy yourself. If you are on a budget, however, it can feel like a difficult choice, as if the only way to enjoy yourself is to spend more money than you actually have. This guide has been created to prove the opposite: having fun that doesn't actually require you to break the bank. For cheap and even free options for great fun and enjoyment, here are seven easy ways to have fun on a budget. … [Read more...]
Five Touches Around the House That Can Boost Mental Health
Wellness starts at home. If you want to truly care for yourself properly, it is essential that you live in the right environment. This means making the right touches around the house so that you live in a truly comfortable place. The difficult part, however, can be knowing when to start. This is why you should definitely read this guide, which has been created to suggest five small touches that you can implement around the house in order to boost your mental health. Read on now in order to … [Read more...]
Ideas for a Girls’ Day Out
Now that non-essential establishments are starting to open up again following coronavirus lockdowns, you might be excitedly planning a catch-up with your girls. While a meal at a restaurant followed by drinks at your favorite bar is a great idea for a catch-up, and sure to be a lot of fun, you could decide to make your first catch-up post covid even more memorable by sharing a new activity with your friends. To get you thinking, here are some ideas for a girls’ day out. Hire a Boat You … [Read more...]
Simple Ways to Reward Yourself and Achieve More
The world is only getting more challenging and competitive. Whether you work in a corporate environment, trying to get your business off the ground, or you are taking care of the kids while working on social movements, you are in a constant battle against new challenges and obstacles to overcome. In this situation, knowing how to appreciate small milestones is important. You have to appreciate yourself for the work that you do, and one of the ways to do that is by rewarding yourself at … [Read more...]