The Human Dilemma All the solutions the ego has come up with have failed. Turn on the television, listen to the radio and read the newspaper. There are still wars and cruelty. Human beings all over the planet are not being open, loving and available to one another. Isn’t it obvious that something different is needed? One generation after another does the same thing over and over, expecting different results. In my mind, this appears as insanity. Although there are more and more of … [Read more...]
SHIRLEE HALL – Just Do It! “If you enjoy learning about authentic experiences with angels, visions and healing and how they relate to inner knowledge and self-mastery, Be-Embracing the Mystery, is for you. Shirlee suggests how each one of us can be free and whole once we remember and live our truth. A lifetime of healing success with herself and others is explored in depth. Shirlee clearly explains who we are and why we are on earth. The power of remembering the divinity within is paramount … [Read more...]
SACRED BREATH WORKSHOP – June 22 ( Chicago Area)
SACRED BREATH HEALING WORKSHOP FRIDAY, JUNE 22ND, 7:00 PM SOHMAR MASSAGE SCHOOL DOWNERS GROVE, IL. (Chicago Area) $55.00 DETAILS & CONTACT: Shirlee at: 1 630-202-3818 I was born remembering what it was like living in the subtle dimensions of light and love, the side most people refer to as Heaven. The conscious memory of who we really are and the amazing Presence that lives within each of us has provided a personal life where the sacred is a natural experience and the longing … [Read more...]
Shirlee Hall – Sacred Healing Breath Workshop, JULY 1
Greetings of Light and Love! Sacred Healing Breath Workshop is tentatively changed to Friday, 7:00 PM, June 22nd. Advanced Awareness Class July 1, at l:00 PM Sunday. Details: Shirlee 630-202-3818 or FOR THOSE WHOSE HEARTS ARE BURSTING... Outside words attempting to describe inside feelings. Each will interpret the message in his or her own special way. I wrote this as a result of warm tears flowing as I felt my love for the Beloved and at the same time … [Read more...]
Shirlee Hall – Self Doubt be Gone!
Create a life worthy of remembering... If you could see yourself as spirit sees you, there would be no doubt about the importance of this life. You would understand why it's so vital that you wake up fully and walk the Earth like the Divine being you truly are. Being able to make miracles happen is fundamentally a result of how you choose to align yourself, how you choose to use your mind, and how much faith you have in being able to use it to affect your physical world. You … [Read more...]
The EAGLE – Amazing Stuff !!!
THE EAGLE and her LIFE DECISIONS God Bless all who share this. … [Read more...]
Access Your Power – WOMEN in RECOVERY
Scientists claim that we are only using a tiny fraction of our mind power. What would it be like if we accessed most of our mind’s potential? I believe that we would be able to heal ourselves and the planet completely. People are already using the healing power of their minds to heal their bodies. I believe that you can too. Guided meditations are some of the best to start your healing journey with. This is because you have a guide. Some of them are also created to target specific things … [Read more...]
The Promise We Made to Ourselves, Shirlee Hall
THE PROMISE WE MADE TO OURSELVES Many of us are on the planet for one amazing reason. The reason is to help bring about change, a change that will insure soul evolution. Inwardly, we know what life can be like. Those who are intuitively aware know that we are all one in essence. The difference lies in appearance, programming at birth, society, values of those around us, influences, and the oftentimes erroneous conditioning that compels us to do things that eventually will require … [Read more...]