Sexual and Reproductive Health Day – February 12 – CANADA

Sexual and Reproductive Health Day, held annually on February 12, is an opportunity to raise awareness of sexual and reproductive health issues and to educate yourself and others on how to reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Sexually transmitted infections continue to be a significant and increasing public health concern. Over the past decade, reported rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and infectious syphilis have steadily increased. The majority of reported chlamydia and … [Read more...]

World AIDS Day – December 1

What is World AIDS Day? World AIDS Day takes place on 1 December each year. It’s an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness. Founded in 1988, World AIDS Day was the first ever global health day. Why is World AIDS Day Important? Over 105,200 people are living with HIV in the UK. Globally, there are an estimated 38 million people who have the virus. … [Read more...]

5 Tips for Protecting Yourself from a Toxic Lifestyle

Nowadays it's as if there are hazards around every corner. From the exhaust spewing out of the vehicles we drive to the products we use to clean our homes, it seems as though toxins have become nearly ubiquitous in the modern world. Most of us have become accustomed to living with these unhealthy substances, reassuring ourselves that “these things are perfectly normal,” but a growing number of health-conscious women are making an effort to minimize their exposure to things that could potentially … [Read more...]

How to Ensure You Get All the Nutrients You Need in Your Diet

What you eat could serve as natural medicine for your body every day, or it could be toxic to your body. Eating unhealthy foods that are loaded with preservatives, artificial ingredients, fat, cholesterol, sugar, and salt will be detrimental to your overall health, while consuming foods that are packed with nutrients and that come from nature will help your body thrive. Continue reading to learn about the foods that you should be eating to ensure all of your nutritional requirements are met in … [Read more...]

GIFT of $5 graduates one Student, Give Today!

Alliance Vision Educational Center has over 200 children/Students registered in our Sponsorship program serving locations in Kenya. Alliance Vision Educational Center was initiated in January 2007 and registered in October 13th 2008. Our humble organization's ongoing project is a focused non-formal urban school that provides an education for the marginalized and disenfranchised children who live in the slum neighborhoods of Nairobi, Kenya. The word 'alliance' means to come together for the … [Read more...]

Certain Risk Factors Make Females Vulnerable to Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is an issue that people suffer with all over the world, but did you know that there are certain risk factors that make women more vulnerable to drug abuse than men? In order to help yourself or someone you love, continue reading to learn more about what these risk factors are, as well as what you can do to avoid them and avoid falling victim to drugs. Different Factors for Females Than Males During a study conducted involving young girls and women ranging from the ages of 8 to … [Read more...]

World AIDS Day, 1 December 2014

World AIDS Day Message from UN Women’s Executive Director for World AIDS Day, 1 December 2014 The new UNAIDS report released for World AIDS Day calls on us all to take a fast-track approach over the next five years to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. UN Women is proud to be a partner in the collaborative fight against AIDS, and commends UNAIDS on the progress made through this concerted drive. Ending gender inequality is an essential prerequisite for the success of this effort. Ending … [Read more...]

Celebrating Sixty with a Mission, Todd Hewitt

Turning sixty is the day which makes most people realize that they are inching closer towards retirement. This is why sixtieth birthdays are all about celebrating the beginning of the end of life’s hectic years. No one knows that better than Reginald Todd Hewitt, Founder and Executive Director of a not for profit organization established for one of his daughters whom he lost suddenly in 2009 of a rare viral disease called Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML). At a time when … [Read more...]

MDG momentum – Post 2015

Providing key information for MDG momentum UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for an end to the unfinished business of the Millennium Development Goals while speaking at a high-level event convened by the MDG Advocacy Group on 25 September. Organized by UN DESA in collaboration with a number of partners, the event featured the launch of a new publication as well as a data tool visualizing 14 years’ worth of MDG data from UN DESA’s Statistics Division. Gathering 300 global leaders, … [Read more...]

Need: Compelling Stories of Gender Based Violence

A call out to the World Pulse community, and an opportunity to be heard! We are looking for personal or personally-observed stories or articles within the topic of Violence Against Women/Gender Based Violence that contain a message of hope, a vision, action steps, or are solutions-oriented. Understanding that there is very real and rampant heartache surrounding these issues, we are also wanting to highlight insights and success stories. So many of you around the world have taken steps to … [Read more...]

Drugs and Money: The Costs of Addiction

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HIV & Women, Adolescence through Menopause,13-14 January 2014

We are pleased to update you on the 4th International Workshop on HIV & Women, from Adolescence through Menopause, in the Westin Georgetown in Washington DC, USA on 13-14 January 2014. Women and HIV is a very complex field of research. Whereas there are many conferences worldwide to discuss the various aspects of HIV treatment, this conference is the only international platform where the specific aspects for treatment of HIV infected women are discussed. The fourth edition of the event in … [Read more...]

Stand Strong With NORD in 2014!‏

Thank You for Helping NORD Drive Progress for All Who Live With Rare Diseases! 2013 marked our 30th Anniversary and brought many exciting milestones. With the help of our members, supporters and advocacy partners, NORD accomplished many objectives this year, including: Launched a web-based state insurance resource to provide state-specific information for patients and their families Connected hundreds of patients and caregivers with medical experts, researchers and advocates at … [Read more...]

World Aids Day – getting to zero‏, Antonella Villani

Click image to open interactive version (via Ammo). … [Read more...]

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