Top Tips to Help Your Relationship Thrive

Even if you passionately love someone, sometimes, your relationship may need a little bit of help to thrive and to ensure that you are both happy within it. Then, here are some of the top tips that you and your partner should follow if you want to ensure that you can both stay content within your relationship for many months and years to come. Improve Your Sex Life One of the first steps that you should take is to improve your sex life. This does not involve simply finding exciting new … [Read more...]

Top Tips to Keep Your Career Going Throughout Menopause

Menopause can be a difficult time for women, no matter what age you start showing menopause symptoms, and the symptoms and side effects of the menopause can be extremely debilitating and can prevent you from being successful at work or enjoying many of the elements of your life that you used to be passionate about. As such, if you are worried about the effect that the menopause may have on your life and work, read on for some top tips on how you can keep your career going throughout the course … [Read more...]

Simple Steps That You Can Take To Regain Your Confidence

It can be a terrible feeling when we realize that our sense of confidence has begun to slip. It can be isolating, and it can leave us feeling like we just want to hide away. It always seems particularly cruel when this happens in the summertime when we want to be getting out there and enjoying time with our friends and loved ones. However, there are things that you can do to get your confidence back. Here are a few steps that you can think about. Be Kind To Yourself First things first: … [Read more...]

Ways Women Make Money During COVID-19

Making money was hard enough before the pandemic, but many women have found their finances devastated and their careers lost or halted because of COVID-19. Indeed, the pandemic was especially hard on working women, many of them lost their jobs or had to return home to care for children as schools and daycare centers closed down. If you need money to pay for bills in the wake of your lost job, don’t lose hope. A Celebration of Women™ is here to detail some of the ways in which women … [Read more...]

Career Strategies for Women: 4 Tips for Success

Becoming successful at what you do is no easy task. The journey can be twice as hard if you're a woman seeking to climb the career ladder in a male-dominated business world. There’s no straightforward formula for achieving success in your career. But it's essential to have your own strategy based on your career demands and goals. Developing your success strategy on tried and tested principles can make the process a little more manageable. Here are four success tips for career women. 1. Focus … [Read more...]

Gain Independence with These Top Tips

Many people feel that they lack independence. There are so many reasons to feel this way; no autonomy at work, difficult relationships, unpredictable health, and generally feeling overwhelmed by life. Independence is something that allows you to make decisions that lead you down a path you want to follow rather than feeling obliged to bend to the will of other people. It can increase your sense of confidence and teach you to trust yourself better. Take a look at some of these top tips that will … [Read more...]

Sex Coach Kim Anami on the Orgasms That Change Your Life

On a recent episode of the “Love, Sex, Magic” podcast, sex and relationship coach Kim Anami got real about topics that don’t get talked about in sexual education classes — but should. Anami has been developing her ideologies about sexual wellness over the past few decades by studying Tantric and Taoist philosophy and coaching people through physical and emotional blocks that keep them from enjoying sex. Anami takes an unorthodox approach to teaching people about sex, often using humor and … [Read more...]

Strategies to Pay off Credit Card Debt Faster

Are you struggling to pay off your credit card debt? If so, you're not alone. Millions of Americans are in the same boat. According to a GoBankingRates survey, more than 57% of Americans have failed to remit at least one credit card payment. But don't worry; there are strategies and institutions that can help with credit card debt management. Tips to Help Pay off Credit Card Debt Faster Are you wondering if there are any strategies to pay off your credit card debt faster? You're in the … [Read more...]

12 Tips to Manage Your Business As An Independent Woman

There are many reasons why starting a business as a woman is important, in this post, we focus on the crucial factors that make the difference between those who fail and succeed. You must have a strong determination for doing something different than what society has set for you. There will be times when it's hard to stick through all the periods of hard work and there will also be times when people doubt you – which requires staying mentally tough. Success is never easy but when it comes … [Read more...]

Staying Positive During Crisis is Leadership

Leaders need to set an example by leading themselves beyond the boundaries of their own concerns and uncertainties. In a time of crisis, without self-leadership, it is challenging and almost unethical to lead others. When you are positive, you will find it easier to build a network of advocates and team members to help you when you need it. Projects face difficulties and challenges, a positive perspective and a supportive team will help you to move forward past the obstacles, even after … [Read more...]

Top Tips for Increasing Your Immunity Levels this Winter

With the global pandemic, we’ve all been thinking longer and harder about our health and wellbeing and how to stay well. But with winter here now, it’s not just COVID-19 to worry about, but also the added risk of getting sick with a cold, flu, or other sickness. One fundamental way to avoid coming down with something, whether it’s mild or severe, is to increase your immunity level. Read on for some tips you can follow to help your body stave off illness over the coming weeks and … [Read more...]

Safety Tips for Cooking the Turkey

FOOD SAFETY is Key December is the busiest month of the year for those of us on the Butterball Hotline. During the week of Christmas, we get lots of questions about how to safely cook a turkey. Here are answers to the questions we hear most often. How can I tell when the turkey is done? Whether you roast, brine, deep fry or smoke your turkey, always use a food thermometer to check the temperature of the meat. You won’t overcook your turkey, and you can ensure it has been … [Read more...]

Quick Tips: Reducing Holiday Stress

The holidays can be a joyful time offering a chance to reconnect with friends and family, but they can also be stressful. It is also critical that you release the idea of feeling guilt if there are some family members that you cannot share time with, as each year offers different opportunities and all family members must understand that we all can only be in one place at one time. You may feel pressure to buy and give gifts and you are worried about money. There is an old saying "It the … [Read more...]

8 Tips for Surviving Your First Holiday Post-Divorce

The Holidays are here and one should give a good college try to enjoy this New Year Season. For all the Women of our World that are starting over in their lives through this time of year, the following tips may offer some solace. There's no way to get around it:   Cheer and glad tidings surround you during the holidays, but chances are you don't feel very festive. In fact, you probably feel more alone than ever, especially if you find yourself at a party surrounded by couples. How can you … [Read more...]

Top Tips for Coping with Anxiety

The topic of mental health is a complex and tricky field. There are a number of reasons why someone might develop a mental health condition that ranges from genetic predispositions to environmental elements. At the end of the day, if you find yourself dealing with the condition that is as common as anxiety, your path to coping with your anxiety will be different from anyone else’s. This is an important fact to acknowledge in order to figure out precisely how to start coping better with your … [Read more...]

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