Gain Independence with These Top Tips

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tiny green plant leaves growing through tree trunk alone showing independent strength

Many people feel that they lack independence. There are so many reasons to feel this way; no autonomy at work, difficult relationships, unpredictable health, and generally feeling overwhelmed by life. Independence is something that allows you to make decisions that lead you down a path you want to follow rather than feeling obliged to bend to the will of other people. It can increase your sense of confidence and teach you to trust yourself better. Take a look at some of these top tips that will help you gain independence.

Examine What You Are Dissatisfied With

If you believe that you don’t have the level of independence that you should, pay attention to the areas in your life that cause this feeling. For example, if your work life has you uninspired and unmotivated, it could be due to a lack of independence. You might feel as if you have no power to make decisions or use your skills in the workplace. Write a list of points that you suspect are causing your current dissatisfaction with your level of independence. This will help you more closely examine the roots of your problem with a view to solving it.

Outline Your Definition of Independence

Independence means something different to everyone. For some, it might involve having the freedom to choose where they spend most of their time or how often they have to work. For others, it could be about living independently with a disability that requires them to use outside assistance. When you know more about the details of how exactly you perceive independence and what it means for you, you will be better placed to make the right changes in your life.

Set Goals that You Care About

Being more independent often means being able to concentrate on your priorities rather than those set by other people.

If this is the case for you, solidify the goals you care most about and outline the steps you’ll need to take in order to achieve them. To be truly independent, you can accept the help of others when it’s in pursuit of your own ambitions.

Make Life Adjustments to Improve Independence

Sometimes, your lack of independence comes from circumstances outside of your control. That doesn’t mean you can’t increase your independence through changes and adjustments. For example, if you are a wheelchair user, consider looking for used WAV cars to improve your choices for travel and boost your feelings of independence. Being able to expand your horizons in this way could be just the change you need.

Accept Support When Necessary

While this might sound counterproductive if your intention is to increase your feelings of independence, knowing that you can lean on certain people or resources for support whenever necessary can actually go a long way to boosting your confidence. Rather than seeing a support network as something you rely on, view it as a safety net that allows you to test your limits and explore your independence.

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