The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ Contemplation and Meditation EXTENSIONS co domains of the mind the knowing in that which we experience manipulation of the substances of the reality provides an explicit report of the interactions by means of which we may revise and refine the efforts we make. The tree of life, the 10 stations, Pineal, KETHER TIPHARETH Pituitary Thymus Leydig, MALKUTH from which arises … [Read more...]
Contemplation and Meditation
The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ Consequences There is a flow of consequences. Consequences: that which follows with sequence. But there is more than one line of events in sequence. There are branching complexities. There is even an event reflection back through the agents of force and motion. Were we to diagram what has been stated so far: second agent of force and motion first agent of force and motion … [Read more...]
Consider the Value . . .
The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ Consider the Value . . . Consider the value of having children who progressively control themselves, not because of the pursuit of a reward or the avoidance of a punishment which their parents or society may conjure, but out of simple regard for consequences they understand. What will the process of helping them understand the consequences of their actions and neglect be like? Let us … [Read more...]
Consciousness Situates at the Point of Tension . . .
The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ Consciousness Situates at the Point of Tension Between Stasis (form and substance) and Flow (continuity and connection) When and as consciousness turns towards stasis, the mind nourishes, constellates with and imparts a delay in consequences, free will, form and substance. When the mind turns in the direction of stasis, there is the data reduction, the statistical combination, the … [Read more...]
Connection, Its Means
The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ Connection, Its Means One source of understanding of connection is from The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination, by Jacob Bronowski. The text is the Silliman Lectures, given at Yale University, in 1967, but not published until 1978. This book was a key reference in the thesis I submitted in 1986. The subject about which I read was: connection. On pages 58, 59 and 69, Bronowski develops the … [Read more...]
Connection to the Whole
The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ Connection to the Whole Connection to the whole can only occur when and as resonant and reverberant relationships exist. Resonant and reverberant relationships are the being and doing responses. We model this with the motion of mass or substance and the coupling of vibrational harmonies. copyright 2011, 2014, ECOhealth / Eve Revere … [Read more...]
Provisional Elegance
The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ Provisional Elegance [please see yesterday's posting for a related article] Why does nature exhibit elegance, promote diversity and unfold complementary order? Because of the nature of oneness, wholeness or unity. First, remember how we view elegance: maximum diversity with minimum inventory. The promotion of diversity isn't the promotion of any and all diversity. The promotion of … [Read more...]
Conditioned Responses (Pavlov) are Correlational Assignments
The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ Conditioned Responses (Pavlov) are Correlational Assignments Mast Cells Mast cells are part of the immune system. Mast cells combat multicellular parasites (e.g. nematode worms). Mast cells can cause allergies, when they attack substances such as pollen or food. Chemical Mediators and Antigen Triggers Mast cells contain chemical mediators. These chemical mediators are released in … [Read more...]
The Concept Pedigree
The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ The Concept Pedigree Ideas combine. In the process of communicating and propagating ideas, the ideas are embellished, elaborated in detail, extended in the territory of analogy, ramified, but they are also trimmed, abstracted, dissected into an anatomy of elements and recombined in a breeding process. There are hybrid ideas. Sometimes in the history of thought, discontinuities … [Read more...]
Dear Companions In Truth Seeking
The YIN MIND ______________________________________________ Dear Companions in truth seeking [Letter to a publishing company] By now SJG and I have been able to read more in the journals and journal express. We find the number of similar or identical statements of principles concordant with the teachings we have accrued to be constantly increasing. This produces a natural resonance and reverberation. We are attracted by your practices of publishing the described … [Read more...]
Dear Companions Along the Way
The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ Dear Companions along the Way: After a full day of accumulated errands, through heavy traffic, with many excellent yields, I fell asleep on the couch early in the evening. In the wee hours of the morning, I awakened, to find SJG had covered me, but I was dry mouthed and still very tired, slightly bound by my clothing. To bed and in a steady, but gradual deepening, I was off to sleep, with … [Read more...]
Combining Human Effort to Meet Collective Human Need
The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ Combining Human Effort to Meet Collective Human Need In order to meet human need, collective human need, it is expedient, if not necessary, to combine human efforts. The quality of human life, the ease of human life, the freedom to freely choose the content of at least a part of each person's lifetime, depends upon how well we are able to combine human effort. The greater the number of … [Read more...]
Circuits of Self in Forgiveness and Karma
The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ Circuits of Self in Forgiveness and Karma [a transcription of a meditation session] The name of the session is Circuits of Self in Forgiveness and Karma. And I guess by way of preliminary remarks, R.Z. has been studying Sanskrit and on the front cover they give an example of some Sanskrit terms. And one of the Sanskrit terms that they mention is karma. And one of the understandings of … [Read more...]
Chronochrome Lighting
The YIN MIND ________________________________________________________________________ Chronochrome Lighting There are two light fixture models to use. In both light fixture models, we use high frequency, solid state, remote ballasts in order to eliminate the unwelcomed heat gain from the 60% to 70% electrical energy not able to be converted into light. The value of using solid state ballasts can be tested by simply touching the ends of the lamps. This is convincing of the … [Read more...]
The Christine MacKenzie Memorial Kit
The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ The Christine MacKenzie Memorial Kit [originally written in 1989] Christine MacKenzie died, in Scotland, in 1977. Due to a less than effective welfare system, Christine was able to feed her young child, while she herself starved to death. Earth Lab International produced the Christine MacKenzie Memorial Kit in memory of Christine and all others in the present and in the future who … [Read more...]