The YIN MIND _______________________________________________________________________________ Circuits of Self in Forgiveness and Karma [a transcription of a meditation session] The name of the session is Circuits of Self in Forgiveness and Karma. And I guess by way of preliminary remarks, R.Z. has been studying Sanskrit and on the front cover they give an example of some Sanskrit terms. And one of the Sanskrit terms that they mention is karma. And one of the understandings of … [Read more...]
Circuits of Self in Forgiveness and Karma
“Women issues are world issues”
“Women issues are world issues,” Michelle Bachelet, the executive director of U.N. Women and former president of Chile, said recently. (..) Familiar issues like equal pay, workplace policies, family-work balance and political power haven’t gone away in the United States or anywhere else. Basic needs and basic rights remain elusive for many women in the developing world. And those issues, too, will not go away anytime soon. But more women in more regions of the world are stepping up … [Read more...]
The YIN MIND – Core Principles or The Foundational Basis of Life
The YIN MIND ______________________________________________________________ To generate a thematic reference, from which the core principles can be inferred there are four books with which I would begin: The Nature of Personal Reality, by Jane Roberts, Journey of Souls, by Dr. Michael Newton, Ph.D., Destiny of Souls, by Dr. Michael Newton, Ph.D., Secret Oral Teachings of Tibetan Buddhist Sects by Alexandra David-Neel. The context of these four (4) books can … [Read more...]
Sonia Choquette now available …..
WOMAN of ACTION Sonia Choquette now available online.... Whether you are seeking true love, financial stability, a new job, or health, you are about to acquire a simple secret to creating your heart desires it to be.Are you ready to claim what your heart already knows is yours and turn your dreams into reality?As many of you know, it has always been Sonia Choquette's desire to start a revolution and lead us out of the dark ages and into the light and peace of … [Read more...]