Mercury Retrograde’s DO’s and DON’TS, Jan 21 – Feb 11

Three or four times a year, Mercury passes the earth in its orbit. As it rounds the bend, Mercury slows down and appears to stop, or station, and spin backward — otherwise known as retrograde. Of course, it really ISN'T moving backward, but much like two trains or cars passing each other, this creates the optical illusion that Mercury, is in this case, going backward. In astrology, Mercury rules communication, travel, and technology — so all of these areas go haywire for about three weeks, … [Read more...]


During this time Mercury, appears to be going backward and indeed it moves through an Astrological sign backward. Since Mercury rules communication, mental activity and traveling we should be more careful to check details and have patience with communication devices going haywire. Often all of our communications and projects seem delayed by circumstance or confusion. Maybe leave extra time to get where you are going as well. Mercury rules the mind, mental processes and all forms of … [Read more...]

Mercury goes Direct Today ~ Woo! Hoo!

After more than three weeks of mis-communication and misunderstandings, Mercury will finally resume its direct motion at 8:50 a.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday, July 1, 2014. Hooray! Hopefully you survived this transit and saw the positive side of things. Many have been saying, whew, what a rough ride this one has been! There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it is not an oncoming train, it truly is the light of day. You see it has not been solely the effect of Mercury retrograde that … [Read more...]

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