The Spirit of Renewal: Spring and Traditional Chinese Medicine By: Diane Joswick, L.Ac., MSOM Spring: It is the long-awaited change of winter to spring. Seeds sprout, flowers bloom, and the sun warms the earth. There is a sense of renewal and new life all around. While winter was a time to conserve energy and reduce activity, spring is a time of regeneration, new beginnings, and a renewal of spirit. The Principle of the Five Elements The five … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – Renewal of Spirit: Traditional Chinese Medicine
April 9, 2012 by admin
Filed Under: FEATURED, RECOVERY, SELF CARE Tagged With: Acupuncture, anger, body purification, damaging substances, Diane Joswick, dill pickles, emotions, Enjoy milk thistle tea, environmental toxins, fresh, frustration, gallbladder, health regimens, heavy metals, immature cereal grasses, inner organ systems, irritability, L.Ac., leafy greens, lemon, lemon slices, liver, liver controls tendons, liver qi, medications, Mercury, MSOM, Oriental medicine, outdoor activity, pesticides, purify, Renewal of Spirit, Seasons, sour, SPRING, sprouts, stress, substances, such as alcohol, tai qi, toxins, Traditional Chinese Medicine, women in eastern medicine, women in recovery, women of health, women's body cleansing, Women's Health, women's medicines, yang, Yin, yoga, young plants