On March 11, 2009, President Obama signed an Executive Order creating the White House Council on Women and Girls. In his remarks at the signing, the President underscored that the purpose of the Council is "to ensure that each of the agencies in which they're charged takes into account the needs of women and girls in the policies they draft, the programs they create, the legislation they support" and that the true purpose of our government is "to ensure that in America, all things are still … [Read more...]
US-Afghan Women's Council Meets Ambassador Hakimi at the White House
July 15, 2011 by
On July 13, 2011 Ambassador Hakimi was joined by Ambassador Mark Grossman, Ambassador Melanne Verveer, distinguished members of the US-Afghan Women’s Council, and the White House Council on Women and Girls in celebrating the achievements of Afghan women over the past year and envisioning new ways to help them prosper. The successful event was hosted in the White House by the US-Afghan Women’s Council. The US-Afghan Women’s Council is a public-private partnership that provides … [Read more...]