Council on Women & Girls: A Global Focus

Friday, September 23, 2011 Weekly Women's Update Welcome to the Council on Women and Girls Weekly Highlights! President Obama has been traveling the country and talking about his plan to create jobs and strengthen our economy. On Thursday, the President spoke in front of the Brent Spence Bridge in Cincinnati,Ohio about the urgent need to fix America's infrastructure. The American Jobs Act includes a $50 billion investment in much needed infrastructure enhancements … [Read more...]

Council on Women and Girls – Economy, Violence Awareness, and More‏

Friday, September 16, 2011 Weekly Women's Update Welcome to the Council on Women and Girls Weekly Highlights!   Greetings Everyone – This has been an extremely busy week here at The White House and around the country. One week after his speech to a joint session of Congress announcing the American Jobs Act, the President has sent this bill to Capitol Hill and has been traveling the country talking to Americans about what this would mean for job creation, if … [Read more...]

Women’s Council of Women and Girls: Obama Jobs Package Announcement

  Weekly Women's Update Welcome to the Council on Women and Girls Weekly Highlights! With Labor Day (and President Obama's Jobs Package Announcement) fast approaching, our focus is on women and jobs. The Economic Recovery has been slower for women and the Council on Women and Girls is working hard to ensure that we help support the populations in need. A comprehensive approach includes the soon to be announced jobs package as well as our other efforts to ensure economic security … [Read more...]

Weekly Women’s Update: Women’s Equality Day 2011‏

On March 11, 2009, President Obama signed an Executive Order creating the White House Council on Women and Girls. In his remarks at the signing, the President underscored that the purpose of the Council is "to ensure that each of the agencies in which they're charged takes into account the needs of women and girls in the policies they draft, the programs they create, the legislation they support" and that the true purpose of our government is "to ensure that in America, all things are still … [Read more...]

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