This campaign is a global celebration to mark the United Nations International Day of Happiness. It is coordinated by Action for Happiness, a non-profit movement of people from 160 countries, supported by a partnership of like-minded organizations. A profound shift in attitudes is underway all over the world. People are now recognising that 'progress' should be about increasing human happiness and wellbeing, not just growing the economy. March 20 has been established as the annual … [Read more...]

International Widow’s Day – June 23

International Widows Day takes place every year on 23rd June. It was initially launched by the Loomba Foundation at the House of Lords in London in 2005. The date, 23 June, was chosen because on this day Shrimati Pushpa Wati Loomba, the inspiration for the Foundation, became a widow. … [Read more...]

UN Women, First Regular Session 2017 – FEB 14

Documents for the first regular session of the UN-Women Executive Board, on 14 February 2017. Advance copies of session documents are posted here and on the PaperSmart portal in the original language, and are replaced by official documents once available. AGENDA In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. In doing so, UN Member States took an historic step in accelerating the Organization’s … [Read more...]

Disarmament Week, OCT 24-30

The annual observance of Disarmament Week, which begins on the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, was called for in the Final Document of the General Assembly 1978 special session on disarmament (resolution S-10/2). States were invited to highlight the danger of the arms race, propagate the need for its cessation and increase public understanding of the urgent tasks of disarmament. The annual UN observance of Disarmament Week, which begins on the anniversary of the founding of … [Read more...]

Virtual Dialogue: Gender Equality Panel – 24 Oct to 11 Nov, 2016

This Virtual Dialogue will take place online from 24 October to 11 November, 2016 within the UN Women Training Centre Gender Equality Community of Practice (CoP), aimeing to reflect on how trainers are currently trained, developed or "made"; what qualifications they should have; what criteria and credentials they should meet; what kinds of professional ethics and standards they should aspire to uphold; how this should be decided and by whom; and what the opportunities and limitations of such … [Read more...]

6th Global Forum on Gender Statistics – Helsinki, Finland, 24-26 October 2016

The Global Gender Statistics Programme is mandated by the United Nations Statistical Commission, implemented by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and coordinated by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics IAEG-GS. The Programme encompasses: improving coherence among existing initiatives on gender statistics through international coordination developing and promoting methodological guidelines in existing domains as well as in emerging areas of gender … [Read more...]

GIFT of $5 graduates one Student, Give Today!

Alliance Vision Educational Center has over 200 children/Students registered in our Sponsorship program serving locations in Kenya. Alliance Vision Educational Center was initiated in January 2007 and registered in October 13th 2008. Our humble organization's ongoing project is a focused non-formal urban school that provides an education for the marginalized and disenfranchised children who live in the slum neighborhoods of Nairobi, Kenya. The word 'alliance' means to come together for the … [Read more...]

UN Women Training Centre

The UN Women Training Centre is pleased to announce the online Community of Practice (CoP) on Training for Gender Equality is now part of our eLearning Campus. This online community and platform aims to support the informed discussion and reflection on the current trends of training and capacity development for gender equality, the collection and dissemination of good practices and the identification of institutions, opportunities and resources for training for gender equality at the global … [Read more...]

World Peace Day – Sept 21

"The people of the world have asked us to shine a light on a future of promise and opportunity. Member States have responded with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development... It is an agenda for people, to end poverty in all its forms. An agenda for the planet, our common home. An agenda for shared prosperity, peace and partnership." — UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon The International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in … [Read more...]

Indigenous Film Night, Sept 13 in NYC

Film night to celebrate indigenous peoples’ cultures and identities in cities On 13 September, the United Nations will open the doors to an indigenous film night, paying tribute to the many indigenous peoples, living and sustaining their cultures in the world’s biggest cities far from their ancestral homes. Through Reaghan Tarbell’s documentary “To Brooklyn and Back: A Mohawk Journey” (2009), we will meet the courageous Mohawk women who sustained a vibrant community in Brooklyn, while Mohawk … [Read more...]


“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead” – Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela International Day was launched in recognition of Nelson Mandela’s birthday on 18 July, 2009 via unanimous decision of the UN General Assembly. It was inspired by a call Nelson Mandela made a year earlier, for the next generation to take on the burden of leadership in addressing … [Read more...]

World Refugee Day 2016, June 20

"Our responses to refugees must be grounded in our shared values of responsibility sharing, non-discrimination, and human rights and in international refugee law, including the principle of non-refoulement." — UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon Each day war forces thousands of families to flee their homes. People like you, people like me. To escape the violence, they leave everything behind – everything except their hopes and dreams for a safer future. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency … [Read more...]

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