The Metaneural Network Electromagnetic Waves IMAGE The captivity of believing that the physical is all there is to reality, comes from a disregard for and from certain inconsistent assumptions (the conservation of energy). Even the skeptical scientist can not sustain the belief sometimes practiced in the psychological and psychiatric world that there is a nothing which is called illusion or an image called an hallucination which is nothing. The extent of the energy pattern which … [Read more...]
Eliminate Pediatric AIDS by 2015 – Partnering With Business
February 3, 2012 by
Eliminate Pediatric AIDS by 2015 Last week, I was proud to participate in a significant moment in the global AIDS response. I stood with leaders of the private sector at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, as they committed to join forces to reach an ambitious, yet achievable, goal — ending pediatric AIDS by 2015. The launch of two groundbreaking initiatives — the Business Leadership Council and the Social Media Syndicate — will marshal the power of the private sector, … [Read more...]