Nearly 90% of Americans will suffer from a headache at least once in their lives, and more likely will encounter many. Headaches, while a normal part of life, are symptoms of a much larger problem. The majority are referred to as tension headaches and are caused by stress, tight muscles and poor posture. However, other causes include food sensitivities, the need for glasses, and allergies, just to name a few. The next time you find yourself reaching for another dose of over the counter … [Read more...]
Releasing Tension – WOMEN in RECOVERY
November 26, 2012 by
Releasing Tension when in recovery from any health issue or life situation, one must be able to breathe steady and learn to relax! “I chose to respond by breathing and not stressing” Stress simply distracts the body from healing itself. Don’t let stress be the number one focus for your mind and body. Counteract the effects of stress – as it happens (or whenever you think of it), by checking in with your body and diffusing its tight, hard, depleting energy from your muscles and … [Read more...]