ELSA P. – March 29, 2012 – Keeping Your Cool In A Traffic Jam – Mercury Direct‏

This whole week looks like a traffic jam to me. The arrangement of cars changes constantly but no one is going to sail through these next days without a variety of encounters with others. Not all the the meetings will be jarring or stressful. It's possible to fall in love in a traffic jam. People who can keep their wits and sense of humor in the chaos will be fare best. Thursday we have two grand trines for support, but Mercury, Mars and Saturn are all retrograde and people are fed up … [Read more...]

ELSA P. – This is not a week that will bore.

This is not a week that will bore. We've got a dramatic full moon in Leo early Friday morning. People are forging deep, long-lasting bonds with partners, romantic or otherwise, while others are coming up with the courage to cut negative, non-supportive people from their lives. Many are making innovations; fighting for a new start in their lives Thursday, the energy of the full moon in Leo dominates. Mars is involved so we're likely to see people make a show of their anger. This is not the … [Read more...]

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