1 Million Babies born HIV FREE, Pepfar celebrates 10 years!

At the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), we measure our progress with metrics that account for every program, dollar, and service received. While these indicators help us become more efficient and effective in the work we do, their significance pales when compared with the most important metric of all — a life saved. To save any life is a remarkable feat, but to spare a child from HIV is truly extraordinary. That’s why Secretary Kerry’s June 18 announcement that a … [Read more...]

Global Fund to Fight AIDS, the Key Moment is Now

During January’s World Economic Forum, international leaders welcomed former U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator Mark Dybul as the new head of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Photo Credit: Larry Busacca/Getty Images Assuming his post as Executive Director of the world’s largest health financier, Dr. Dybul is poised to build on the momentum of recent scientific advances and bolster the fight for a healthier future. Right now is a key moment in this fight. The PEPFAR … [Read more...]

Ugandan HIV campaign targets “cheaters”

KAMPALA, January 2013 (PlusNews) - A new Ugandan HIV-prevention campaign that frankly addresses sexual infidelity is generating heated debate over the direction the country's HIV strategy should take. Billboards erected in various parts of the capital, Kampala, by Uganda Cares - a programme of the US NGO AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) - bear the image of a broken heart and the lines "Cheating? Use a condom" and "Cheated on? Get tested". The campaign aims to address the growing … [Read more...]

PEPFAR Blueprint: Creating an AIDS-free Generation

ON THE ROAD TO AN AIDS-FREE GENERATION   2012 was an extraordinary year (PDF 707KB). As of September 30, 2012, PEPFAR directly supported lifesaving anti-retroviral treatment (ART) for nearly 5.1 million people — a nearly three-fold increase since 2008. PEPFAR also supported drugs to prevent mother-to-child transmission for nearly 750,000 HIV-positive women in 2012 alone, allowing approximately 230,000 infants to be born HIV-free, and HIV testing and counseling for more than 46.5 … [Read more...]


Despite great strides in treating HIV, and despite effective prevention strategies that have reduced its spread among many populations, about 50,000 new cases of HIV are still diagnosed each year. December 1, World AIDS Day, is a good time to remember not only how far we have come since HIV first appeared three decades ago, but also the obstacles that still stand in the way of creating the “AIDS-free generation” that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has called on the world community to … [Read more...]

WORLD AIDS DAY, Success motivates action

Success motivates action. All of us are much more willing to continue to invest in something that has produced results than in something that hasn’t. As we approach World AIDS Day, we now have a tremendous track record of success from U.S. investments in fighting global AIDS. A decade ago, an HIV diagnosis in Africa was essentially a death sentence. Today, through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the American people support nearly 5.1 million people on … [Read more...]


... a remarkable time to be in Global Health. The successes we are seeing now would not have been achieved without the shared responsibility and partnerships that have been forged over the years – most important of which are those with our implementing partners. Our implementing partners – in collaboration with civil society, the private sector, communities of faith, host governments, NGOs and many other local institutions – have been at the forefront of and catalyst for these shifts and … [Read more...]

Celebrating World AIDS Day: A Commitment to Country Ownership

As World AIDS Day 2012 approaches, it is a timely opportunity to reflect on what we learned at this year’s International AIDS Conference . It’s also a moment to recognize what we as Americans are doing – and the progress we are making – to help the world end its chapter on AIDS. The United States, through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has been a remarkable vehicle in this fight, employing sound science to offer the highest quality interventions and … [Read more...]

Children Front and Center in the Response to HIV/AIDS

This week at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, world leaders are coming together to move the world’s health and development agenda forward. Among the key agenda items is securing a better future for children — which is also a central focus of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Meeting the needs of children, including both children living with HIV and those affected by the disease in other ways, is not peripheral to PEPFAR’s mission — it is … [Read more...]

HIV/AIDS: Op-Ed: Fighting AIDS—At the Tipping Point

Ambassador Eric Goosby, current U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, and Ambassador Mark Dybul, former U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, co-authored this op-ed published by The Huffington Post on September 14, 2011. Fighting AIDS: At the Tipping Point Thirty years since the first case of AIDS was diagnosed in the United States, the world finds itself at a tipping point in the fight against this deadly disease. For the first time, grounded in scientific evidence, our efforts can put us … [Read more...]

HIV/AIDS, Federal Voices Addressing with New Media

  At AIDS.gov we manage and receive guidance from the Federal HIV/AIDS Web Council (FHAWC). Its members are the federal agencies that address HIV testing, care and treatment, research and policy issues. During my internship with AIDS.gov this summer, I took a look at how the agencies of the Council are drawing on new media platforms to extend the reach of federal HIV/AIDS information. Federal Programs Active on New Media Platforms My review revealed an exciting level of federal … [Read more...]

PEPFAR – Encouraging News on the Scientific Front, U.S. Global AIDS

- PEPFAR - Encouraging News on the Scientific Front, U.S. Global AIDS In last week’s post, I previewed the International AIDS Conference in Rome. This week I’d like to offer some brief reflections on the activity there, and what it means for our PEPFAR programs.For those of us who have been working in this field for some time — which in my case is about 30 years — the mood in Rome was positive, with a palpable sense of encouragement. This was largely fueled by two things: new evidence … [Read more...]

CDC Launches HIV Prevention Planning (ECHPP) Web Page

  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently launched a new web page providing details about the Enhanced Comprehensive HIV Prevention Planning (ECHPP) Project, which is a cornerstone of the larger HHS-wide 12 Cities Project. The new page provides information on the three-year demonstration project funded by CDC’s Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP) for the 12 municipalities with the highest number of people living with AIDS in the United States. Executive summaries of the … [Read more...]

Obama Administration – Inspiration for a Future Free of HIV

Future Free of HIV This week, First Lady Michelle Obama is visiting South Africa and Botswana, focusing on youth leadership, education, health and wellness. Today, Mrs. Obama met with organizations dedicated to combating HIV/AIDS in South Africa, including groups that use soccer to convene and educate children about HIV/AIDS. Tomorrow, she will meet with a Teen Club in Botswana that teaches teens about leadership and how to educate others about HIV. During her meetings with … [Read more...]

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