The Magic number 11:11 and Master 11

Many say that when you see the repeating number 11:11 – when you look at the clock, for example – it’s a message from The Universe (or God, Angels, or whatever you believe in the spiritual realms). When you see this number, it’s the Universe tapping you on the shoulder and giving you a solid “thumbs up!” It’s beneficial to stop for a moment when you see this number and notice what you’re doing right then and there. What exactly were you thinking about? Were you pondering what you’re … [Read more...]

OMTimes celebrated AUG: To Be an Emissary of Compassion

We live in a dynamic place of complimentary opposites – positive/negative, male/female, light/dark. When we are born into this plane of complimentary opposites, the unconditional becomes conditional. However, somehow we are still able to grasp the concept of being unconditional even as we are being conditional about love. Just as we are able to grasp the concept of being one, while we are being more than one. We don’t see it logically with our mind, but we know it is true at some other level of … [Read more...]

OMTimes Magazine, Drunvalo Melchizedek

OM Times Magazine December B Edition With the end of the Mayan Calendar fast approaching, we are Grateful to have Drunvalo Melchizedek on the cover of OMTimes Magazine. When it comes to truly understanding the events surrounding December 21, 2012, it could definitely be stated that Drunvalo Melchizedek is one of the world's foremost experts on the subject. His latest book, The Mayan Ouroboros, talks about the history of the Earth grid, the Atlantean-Egyptian connection that brought it … [Read more...]

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