The Magic number 11:11 and Master 11

Many say that when you see the repeating number 11:11 – when you look at the clock, for example – it’s a message from The Universe (or God, Angels, or whatever you believe in the spiritual realms). When you see this number, it’s the Universe tapping you on the shoulder and giving you a solid “thumbs up!” It’s beneficial to stop for a moment when you see this number and notice what you’re doing right then and there. What exactly were you thinking about? Were you pondering what you’re … [Read more...]

Mike Madigan says, “Mayan calendar ends in March 2013”

  While everyone is panicking over December 21, 2012, (when the Mayan calendar cycle "ends")...   I'm looking at March 31, 2013 instead.     Why? Because that's when the 'Tzolk'in' calendar ends. The what? So what is the Mayan Calendar? The calendar was constructed by an advanced civilization called the Mayans around 250-900 AD. Evidence for the Maya empire stretches around most parts of the southern states of Mexico and reaches down to the current geological … [Read more...]

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