Motherhood and Spirituality "amen! ah, the spirituality of sweeping. what encounters of the everyday connect you to the presence of God, the Holy, or the Creative Spirit?" life in motherhood Motherhood is a complex responsibility, with huge emotional shifts and challenges all along the way. Even the most empowered women must face gender inequality as well as myriad other complexities within the covers of every perfect life. Joy, unconditional love, and immersion into the positive must … [Read more...]
Motherhood and Spirituality
May 11, 2014 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: AMERICAN [U.S.A.], CANADIAN, FEATURED EVENTS, RELATIONSHIPS, SPECIAL DAYS TO REMEMBER, SPIRITUALITY, Uncategorized, WORLD EVENTS Tagged With: A Celebration of Women,, children, kids, mommie, Mother, Mother's Day, motherhood, Motherhood and Spirituality, spiritual journey, spirituality, woman, women.