10 Steps to Self Esteem, excerpt from Power of Intention

  Ten Steps to Self-Respect   Excerpt from Power of Intention Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Step 1: Look into a mirror, make eye connection with yourself, and say "I love me" as many times as possible during your day. I love me: These three magic words help you maintain your self‑respect. Now, be aware that saying these words may be difficult at first because of the conditions you've been exposed to over a lifetime, and because the words may bring to the surface remnants of disrespect … [Read more...]

PARENTING, 9 Most Unusual Parenting Books for Sale

For every parenting philosophy, there’s a book out there to support it or to point out its perceived shortcomings. While the majority of parenting books can be read in a manner that allows parents and childcare providers to use the advice that works for their situation and discard the rest, there are some on the market that are strange or downright dangerous. While these books aren’t always accepted by parenting experts, developmental specialists or medical professionals as particularly … [Read more...]


LESSONS FROM THE BUTTERFLY Outward appearances are deceiving, so don't be too quick to judge. Take caterpillars, for instance. Some caterpillars are a thing of beauty, but most of them aren't much to look at. They crawl around like colored worms, they eat leaves for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and they have the personality of a sea slug. How many people have invited you over to look at their caterpillar collection? Few to none, I'll bet. When God passed out good looks, he … [Read more...]

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