A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this young woman leader. WOMAN of ACTION™ Katie Zeppieri It’s hard to believe that Katie Zeppieri is only 23 because her life and career experiences are outstanding. She is curious, resourceful and ready to take over the world. As a community leader, Katie knows what it takes to connect with today’s generation and empower young adults to make … [Read more...]
NGOWG MAP – November 2013
The NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security has released the November 2013 version of our Monthly Action Points (MAP) on Women, Peace and Security for the UN Security Council. For November, in which China has the Security Council presidency, the MAP provides recommendations on the situations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Central African Republic, Central African Region, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan / South Sudan, and Syria. Our findings remain clear: while there has been development in policy and … [Read more...]
7 Million Girls in Poor Countries Give Birth Before 18
LONDON/UNITED NATIONS, New York — Motherhood in childhood is a huge global problem, especially in developing countries, where every year 7.3 million girls under 18 give birth, according to The State of World Population 2013 , released today by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund. Of these 7.3 million births, 2 million are to girls 14 or younger, who suffer the gravest long-term health and social consequences from pregnancy, including high rates of maternal death and obstetric fistula, … [Read more...]
London conference against child marriage – Nov 23 (UK)
Nigerian Women organize November London conference against child marriage NIGERIAN women in the UK have convened a special conference to debate the debilitating effects of child marriage among African children in response to recent moves by the Senate to approve underage wedlock. In July, the Nigerian senate approved a bill that would recognise child brides as adults and which would legalise marriages to minors. There has been an national and international outrage at the development with … [Read more...]
Safety Tips for Female Students Studying Abroad
While studying abroad can be a fantastic adventure, women should take extra precaution to avoid the dangers associated with foreign places. It might not be fair, but women often have to put up with more harassment abroad. While women shouldn't shy away from studying abroad, these 6 safety tips can help prevent crimes of all natures. 1. Learn some language: Whether you need to tell a guy in a bar that you already have a boyfriend or you need to ask a friendly stranger how to get from the train … [Read more...]
REGISTER TODAY ONLINE To acquire SPONSOR PACKAGE, please email us HERE. NOV 23 GALA TICKET OPTIONS Single Ticket $100.00 CAD SPONSORED Ticket $100.00 CAD INVITATION to PARTICIPATE - DONATE BELOW: If you are unable to attend, yet hold a desire in your heart to help educate the women of our world, Your DONATION for this Center's if Celebrated ....$1.00, $5.00, $10.00 --- all Gifts are deeply appreciated! Aimed to … [Read more...]
Jennifer Flanagan – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of one of Canada's innovative women leaders. This powerhouse has co-founded a charitable organization that engages Canadian youth in the fields of science and technology. WOMAN of ACTION™ Jennifer Flanagan Jennifer Flanagan is the co-founder and President and CEO of Actua, a national charitable organization that engages Canadian youth in … [Read more...]
“How to Help Your Kid Be a Great Team Player”
Team sports start pretty early these days, with kids as young as four and five enrolling in soccer and tee ball leagues. For most kids, that’s just the beginning. They’ll go on to participate in team sports throughout their school years and sometimes into their college ones. Besides sports, being part of a team will also be a requirement in the classroom and on the playground, and the same skills your child needs on the field can help him throughout life. Here are some key things to teach your … [Read more...]
International Day of the Girl Child – 11 October
On December 19, 2011, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/170 to declare 11 October as the International Day of the Girl Child, to recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world. For its second observance, this year’s Day will focus on “Innovating for Girls’ Education”. The fulfillment of girls’ right to education is first and foremost an obligation and moral imperative. There is also overwhelming evidence that girls’ education, especially … [Read more...]
Nicole Kidman honored for Advocacy on Women’s Rights!
UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Nicole Kidman honoured for advocacy on women’s rights UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Nicole Kidman was awarded today by Variety magazine for her engagement to advance women’s and girls’ rights and empowerment. The Academy Award winner received the honour at Variety’s 5th Power of Women luncheon in Beverly Hills, which aims at “shining a spotlight on the high-profile women in Hollywood who have used their platforms to make a difference”. “The honourees we … [Read more...]
Domestic Violence Awareness Month – Take Action!
Domestic Violence Awareness Month will continue this year as part of the Domestic Violence Awareness Project. The observed month has been running since 1995 when several organizations including the Family Violence Prevention Fund and the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence united to tackle the problem. Why is Domestic Violence Awareness Month so important? AM I BEING AB-- USED? Does your partner: embarrasses the other person with put-downs looks or acts in ways that … [Read more...]
Rona Ambrose – WOMAN of ACTION™
A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life the youngest Canadian ever to sit in the Cabinet, one that has reached above most in the corporate world among women and has thrived, leading in a world traditionally worked by men. As a leader among women, one of her passions dictates that improving the prospects of young women in Canada, namely 'education, financial literacy, internships, safety and business leadership with a special focus on honour killings, Aboriginal women … [Read more...]
International Day of Non-Violence celebrated OCT 2
International Day of Non-Violence The International Day of Non-Violence is marked on 2 October, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the Indian independence movement and pioneer of the philosophy and strategy of non-violence. According to General Assembly resolution A/RES/61/271 of 15 June 2007, which established the commemoration, the International Day is an occasion to "disseminate the message of non-violence, including through education and public awareness". The resolution reaffirms … [Read more...]