Is your fundraising strategy BRILLIANT? First, is it Believable? A great fundraising strategy is believable. Your marketing, PR, branding behind it, must resonate with donors. Second, is it Realistic? If your fundraising strategy is not realistic, then donors will laugh, some will mock and others will simply think you’re crazy and will not give. You must show how the amount of money you need and think you can raise is realistic to your overall goals and purposes of a nonprofit. … [Read more...]
Why True Passion is Key for the Philanthropist !
August 11, 2013 by
Belief is Everything! If you want to raise money for your charity, then first believe in your cause. When you really believing in your cause, it will be contagious. People know if you are being authentic and passionate about your cause, and they also know if you are simply under the gun (i.e. pressure) of having to raise more money to keep your job. Yes, there is a difference. Also, when you truly believe in your cause you will not job-hop from one charity to another charity over a … [Read more...]