The YIN MIND Dimensions are sequence providing. Time is a dimension. Time is a dimensional convergence system. Time imparts a pattern, through dimensional convergence, within which pattern, energy is parceled. The convergence of dimensions involves perpendicularities, tangencies and aspects. The convergence of dimensions involves concentrations and expansions. The concentrations are balanced by expansions. The concentrations can be brought to the degree of … [Read more...]
WOMEN in RECOVERY – Celebrate, be present
May 21, 2012 by
4 Ways You Can Stay Present in a Crowd... 1. Notice the tiniest details around you. When your mind starts to wander and you cannot possibly believe that you're going to be able to spend an entire night living in the present moment, take a deep breath and look around you. Don't look at the big picture of what's happening but, instead, focus on the tiniest details. What does the floor beneath your feet look like? Who are the people closest to you? What are they wearing? What are you … [Read more...]