10 iPhone Apps to Keep Track of What You Like

Whether you’re just trying to keep up with your opinions for your own purposes or are looking to share them with the world at large, the same device that helps you streamline your professional life and manage a variety of business tasks can help you log your likes and dislikes as well. These 10 apps can help you store and share your opinion on anything you can think of. I Loves It! – The developers of this free app encourage users to skip sharing things that they like, saving their energy … [Read more...]


  You have a Destiny!     Don't let the pressures of life push those dreams down. If you are feeling 'stuck' in life at this moment in time, Take Action! There are a plethora of opportunities, many of them are FREE. There are courses, classes, teleseminars, workshops and so much more ... The key to successful, contented recovery is getting outside of yourself, only to find it really does benefit yourself!   Stir up those … [Read more...]

Lorre White reports, your “personal power” is your Klout score

You Have Become a Number If you have a social media account, your value as an influencer is already being calculated based on how often you tweet, connect, share and comment. The measure of your “personal power” is your Klout score. The higher your score, the more “powerful and influential” you are. A high Klout score (say 70 and up) will almost guarantee your chances of getting a better job, higher social status and maybe even better luck on the dating scene! Influence determined by … [Read more...]

How to stay connected to baby, if on business trip

Being away from your baby is a difficult thing to do, especially if you are new to parenting. However, sometimes work gets in the way of spending precious quality time with your baby. With the help of modern technology and a little creativity, you can still connect with her when you are away on business. Whether it is a short weekend trip or a longer month-long venture, it is important to keep an open line of communication with your baby. Will My Baby Really Know If I Am … [Read more...]

STONEOLOGYS’ WISDOM – Special Signature Process Package

STONEOLOGYS' WISDOM  Special Signature Process Celebration Package !!!   97.00 SPECIAL OFFER   (a 275.00 value) CONTACT STONE FOR YOUR COACHING PACKAGE HERE   By faith you know you already have it. Still you need to learn how to consistently access it. At STONEOLOGYS' we bring out the brilliance in you. Clarity, makes strength based decisions. Healed Anger, cultivates loving relationships. Controlled thoughts, invites light to your presence. Proud Behavior, ability … [Read more...]

“Critical Perspectives on Financial and Economic Crises: Why Gender Matters”

Speech by Michelle Bachelet, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women, at the economics symposium “Critical Perspectives on Financial and Economic Crises: Why Gender Matters” being held in New York from 21-22 January 2013 "Good morning, It is great to be here with all of you! UN Women is pleased to co-sponsor this symposium with the International Association for Feminist Economics. I would like to thank the Editors of Feminist Economics, Diana … [Read more...]

Karen Donaldson Inc. – 3 Tips to Deliver a Solid Impromptu Speech

Being Prepared to be Unprepared: 3 Tips to Deliver a Solid Impromptu Speech Have you ever been at an event or meeting, where you were not scheduled to speak, and then all of a sudden you heard: “And now I would like to invite [insert your name here] to share a few words.” You have just been completely blind-sided, you had no idea that you would be invited to address the audience or group, and you are totally unprepared. Have you been there before?? I sure have. The great news is that … [Read more...]

Jan 25th at 10:30am PT, Special Webcast @ Lou Adler

(Special webcast being held on Jan 25th at 10:30am PT to discuss this.)Over the past 30+ years as a recruiter, I can confirm that at least two-thirds of my hiring manager clients weren’t very good at interviewing. Yet, over 90% thought they were. To overcome this situation, it was critical that I became a better interviewer than them, to prove with evidence that the candidate was competent and motivated to do the work required. This led me on a quest for the single best interview question that … [Read more...]

Women on Boards, why so few?

Women on Boards, why so few? FOOD FOR THOUGHT written by a great woman Kimberly Krawiec who is an expert on corporate law who teaches courses on securities, corporate, and derivatives law. Her research interests span a variety of fields, including the empirical analysis of contract disputes; the choice of organizational form by professional service firms, including law firms; forbidden or taboo markets; corporate compliance systems; insider trading; derivatives hedging practices; and … [Read more...]

The Big Mistake: What to do when you’ve completely messed up!

It’s that feeling, deep in the pit of your stomach. The one that only comes around when you’re wishing it’s all just a bad dream. You take a breath, pinch yourself, and prepare to wake up. A few seconds go by. Nothing happens. The feeling gets worse. Let’s rewind a few minutes. It’s just another day at the office, when, BAM! It hits you like a brick. You realize you’ve made a mistake. A big one. This is more than just putting the letterhead in the printer the wrong way. This one will have … [Read more...]

Managing Fear, Being Proactive in your Career

Be Proactive In Your Career Even When You Have A Job Nowadays, all most everybody worries about what will happen in the future in regards to their job. The best way to protect yourself is to be active in your professional career. Here is a list of suggestions on how to be informed of the present issues regarding your career in today’s job market. The first step is to get into the habit of always updating your skills just in case something would happen. Learning how to use a computer or … [Read more...]

Resilience in Women, Sustainable Self-Esteem & the ‘Look’

  Resilience in Women   Sustainable Self-Esteem One of the terms that is often used when considering how we cope collectively with the triple challenges of peak oil, climate change and economic meltdown is “resilience”. It seems we would benefit from cultivating this collectively at the levels of local community, at a national level and globally. Whenever we attempt to establish resilience at a community level (any sort of community, whether this is your … [Read more...]

Managing The Anxieties Of Being A Leader

Managing The Anxieties Of Being A Leader   Sometimes, fear and anxiety can overwhelm us when we have to be a leader. Being a leader requires the ability to lead people in doing a certain task. This can sometimes be a little scary. As a result, here is list of ways in how to reduce the fear and anxiety of being a leader. Understand that you need to know what the task is that needs to be accomplished. Knowing what you must do is important and can save you a lot of time and stress. … [Read more...]

Jean Houston – Awaken to Your Life Purpose, 7-week course – JAN 14

If you’re reading this, I suspect you are someone who is striving to make a difference in the world and trying to live as the highest expression of yourself. If you’d like to have more support to make this year a breakthrough for you in terms of achieving your highest goals and truly making the difference you know you were meant to make . . . You might benefit from working with me for the next 7 weeks, letting me show you how you can become that fulfilled and profoundly effective person you … [Read more...]

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