Resolve To Evolve And Re-Define Winning Building Success At The Speed Of Change/Challenges (Including 12 bonus links/practical and inspiring tips!) © Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™ | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-ResultsBuilding 3Q Skills That GROW At The Speed Of Change Is My Commitment To A Better Future3Q Leadership™ Blog- 27,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing! Is one of your people stuck in a box/rut/overdrive or stasis? Are you stuck in a … [Read more...]
Beverly Boston – WOMAN of ACTION
June 25, 2012 by
A Celebration of Women... is honored to Celebrate the Life of yet another Amazing, Powerhouse of a Woman. Beverly has been guided to devote her Life to the Coaching and Mind-shaping others. Her {E.F.T.} Philosophy is that Success is in the Action of "waking up from auto-pilot" in one's life. With her own personal awakening behind her; she is now in the drivers seat, ready, willing and able to share this fact and has created amazing tools so to teach the teachers, as well. WOMAN … [Read more...]