Courtney Reaches out to the Florida Keys!

  CONCH COLOR of the Florida Keys share this very important true story ...   Father turns anger over daughter’s death... into mission to educate others about PMLTodd Hewitt is on a mission to spread the word about a little- known disease that took the life of his beloved 31-year-old daughter two years ago. The former Orangeburg resident’s daughter, Courtney Leigh, died of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, a condition that even the specialists treating Courtney … [Read more...]

Courtney's Dad 'GETS MAIL' , PML Strikes Again !!!

Dear Mr. Hewitt, Thank you so much for your response! Somehow, it makes me feel better to know there is someone who totally understands the devastation and heartache our family is currently going thru. I was told today that she is being started on IVIG treatment. They put her on Heparin yesterday evening; and were hoping to remove the catheter from her neck (where she had the plasma exchange treatments), but said her blood was too thin right now to attempt that. Hopefully, they will get that … [Read more...]

Courtney’s Dad ‘GETS MAIL’ , PML Strikes Again !!!

Dear Mr. Hewitt, Thank you so much for your response! Somehow, it makes me feel better to know there is someone who totally understands the devastation and heartache our family is currently going thru. I was told today that she is being started on IVIG treatment. They put her on Heparin yesterday evening; and were hoping to remove the catheter from her neck (where she had the plasma exchange treatments), but said her blood was too thin right now to attempt that. Hopefully, they will get that … [Read more...]

PML Strikes Again!!!!

Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML) A Celebration of Women is here for the Women of our World, WE hear YOU! Below is just one letter received by the grieving father of our very own WOMAN of ACTION - Courtney Leigh Hewitt who died unnecessarily of the JC Virus activated, misdiagnosed and allowed the time to ignite the viral brain disease named PML. Below, you will read the cry and pleas of one more victim to this horrific, under estimated, under appreciated … [Read more...]

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